我正在使用 Wix 3.6 创建设置.我仍在学习中.那里的信息仍然零散.我只是在等我的《 Wix开发人员指南》问世.
I am using Wix 3.6 to create a setup. I am still learning as I go along. The information out there is still scattered around. I am just waiting for my Wix Developer Guide book arriving.
我目前有一个自定义UI对话框,用户可以在其中输入一些应用程序配置.该配置的一部分是指定日志文件夹.目前,这仅设置了一个属性[LogFolder].默认为D:\ Logs.
I currently have a custom UI dialog where the user enters some application configuration. Part of that configuration is to specify a log folder. This at present this just sets a property [LogFolder]. This is defaulted to something like D:\Logs.
I want the installer to create that directory when the setup is run. I have the following to try and do this but it just created a folder named [LOGFOLDER] on the D: drive when I run the setup.
<Product ...
<Directory Id="TARGETDIR" Name="SourceDir" >
<Directory Id="LogFolderDir" Name="[LOGFOLDER]" >
<Component Id="LogFolderComponent" Guid="{7E7D6916-B321-40D6-ABAD-696B57A6E5FB}" KeyPath="yes">
<CreateFolder />
How can I do this with Wix?
The first step is create a property set to the value you want:
<Property Id="LOGFOLDER" Value="D:\Logs" />
The second step is to create a dialog where you set this property (or another thing to change its value):
<Control Id="Edit_LogFolder" Type="Edit" Property="LOGFOLDER" />
Then you need to change your directories structure to create this folder in a default location:
<Directory Id="ProgramFilesFolder">
<Directory Id="INSTALLFOLDER" Name="MyApp">
<Directory Id="LOGFOLDER" Name="Logs" />
The last step is to create a Component that will create the directory, like this:
<ComponentGroup Id="ComponentGroup_LogFolder">
<Component Id="Component_LogFolder" Guid="" Directory="LOGFOLDER">
<CreateFolder Directory="LOGFOLDER" />
If D:\ is a disc drive and you have a disc inserted, the installation will fail because it will try to create the folder and it won't succeed.