

我们使用的应用协议,它指定在第一个4字节的消息的长度指示符。 Socket.Receive将返回尽可能多的数据在此时的协议栈或阻塞,直到数据可用。这就是为什么我们有,直到我们收到了长度指示器的字节数不间断的从套接字读取。如果对方关闭了连接的Socket.Receive将返回0。我明白了这一切。


这是我认为有可能是某种默认的最低水平的原因是,我遇到了一个名为ReceiveLowWater变量,我可以在套接字选项设置varaible来了。但是,这似乎只适用于BSD。 见SO_RCVLOWAT



NO. Never. What if someone is testing your protocol with, say, telnet and a keyboard? Or over a real slow or busy connection? You can receive one byte at a time or a split "length indicator" over multiple Receive() calls. This isn't unit testing matter, it's basic socket matter that causes problems in production, especially under stressful situations.

Yes, you should. For your convenience, you can use the Socket.Receive() overload that allows you to specify a number of bytes to be read so you won't read too much. But please note it can return less than required, that's what the offset parameter is for, so it can continue to write in the same buffer:

byte[] lenBuf = new byte[4];
int offset = 0;

while (offset < lenBuf.Length)
    int received = socket.Receive(lenBuf, offset, lenBuf.Length - offset, 0);

    offset += received;     

    if (received == 0)
        // connection gracefully closed, do your thing to handle that

// Here you're ready to parse lenBuf

That is correct, the "receive low water" flag is only included for backwards compatibility and does nothing apart from throwing errors, as per MSDN, search for SO_RCVLOWAT:

It's a shame, because it can enhance performance. However, as @cdleonard pointed out in a comment, the performance penalty from keeping an offset variable will be minimal, as you'l usually receive the four bytes at once.


10-20 20:00