我正在尝试在OpenGL 3.2中编译着色器程序,但出现一个奇怪的链接错误.
I'm trying to compile a shader program in OpenGL 3.2, but I'm getting a strange linking error.
After creating the vertex and fragment shaders compiling and attaching them, I try to link them into a program but I get the following infolog error:
ERROR: Compiled vertex shader was corrupt.
ERROR: Compiled fragment shader was corrupt.
I have absolutely no idea what it means and the only thing I could find on google was to ignore it. However, when I glUseProgram() it I get an invalid operation, so I can't just ignore this error.
此外,我刚刚更新到XCode 5,并且相同的代码/着色器源也在工作.不过不知道该如何关联.
Moreover, I just updated to XCode 5 and the very same code/shader source was working. Don't know how it can be related though..
#version 150
in vec3 position;
uniform mat4 worldMatrix;
uniform float time;
out vec3 outPos;
void main(){
gl_Position = worldMatrix*vec4(position, 1.0);
outPos = position;
#version 150
out vec4 outColor;
uniform float time;
uniform float red;
uniform float green;
uniform float blue;
void main(){
outColor=vec4(red, green, blue,1.0);
At first I rewrote the shaders with another editor (text mate) and then it worked sometimes. Then I made sure that it was properly null terminated and it worked every time.
也许有某种像Andon M. Coleman建议的非印刷字符.
Maybe somehow there were non-printing characters like Andon M. Coleman suggested.