本文介绍了什么是Firebase Cloud Firestore中的非规范化?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



在谈论Firebase Cloud Firestore时,这种非规范化实际上是什么?我在互联网上读了几篇文章,在这里有一些关于stackoverflow的答案,大多数答案都推荐这种方法.这种非规范化真正有什么帮助?总是有必要吗?

What is really this denormalization all about when talking about Firebase Cloud Firestore? I read a few articles on the internet and some answers here on stackoverflow and most of the answers recommend this approach. How does this denormalization really help? Is it always necessary?


Is database flatten and denormalization the same thing?


It's my fist question and hope I'll find an answer that can help me understand the concept. I know is different, but I have two years of experience in MySQL.


非规范化不仅与Cloud Firestore有关,这是NoSQL数据库中通常使用的一种技术.

The denormalization is not related only to Cloud Firestore, is a technique generally used in NoSQL databases.


Denormalization is the process of optimizing the performance of NoSQL databases, by adding redundant data in other different places in the database. What I mean by adding redundant data, as @FrankvanPuffelen already mentioned in his comment, it means that we copy the exact same data that already exists in one place, in another place, to suit queries that may not even be possible otherwise. So denormalization helps cover up the inefficiencies inherent in relational databases.

是的,确实如此.在Firebase上,这也是一种很常见的做法,因为数据复制是加快读取速度的关键.我看到您是NoSQL数据库的新手,因此为了更好地理解,我建议您观看此视频,使用Firebase数据库进行反规范化是正常的.它用于Firebase实时数据库,但相同的原理也适用于Cloud Firestore.

Yes, it does. It's also a quite common practice when it comes to Firebase because data duplication is the key to faster reads. I see you're new to the NoSQL database, so for a better understanding, I recommend you see this video, Denormalization is normal with the Firebase Database. It's for Firebase realtime database but the same principles apply to Cloud Firestore.


We don't use denormalization just for the sake of using it. We use it, only when it is definitely needed.


Let's take an example of that. Let's assume we have a database schema for a quiz app that looks like this:

    --- questions (collections)
          --- questionId (document)
                 --- questionId: "LongQuestionIdOne"
                 --- title: "Question Title"
                 --- tags (collections)
                      --- tagIdOne (document)
                      |     |
                      |     --- tagId: "yR8iLzdBdylFkSzg1k4K"
                      |     |
                      |     --- tagName: "History"
                      |     |
                      |     --- //Other tag properties
                      --- tagIdTwo (document)
                            --- tagId: "tUjKPoq2dylFkSzg9cFg"
                            --- tagName: "Geography"
                            --- //Other tag properties


We can flatten the database by simply moving the tags collection in a separate top-level collection like this:

    --- questions (collections)
    |     |
    |     --- questionId (document)
    |            |
    |            --- questionId: "LongQuestionIdOne"
    |            |
    |            --- title: "Question Title"
    --- tags (collections)
          --- tagIdOne (document)
          |     |
          |     --- tagId: "yR8iLzdBdylFkSzg1k4K"
          |     |
          |     --- tagName: "History"
          |     |
          |     --- questionId: "LongQuestionIdOne"
          |     |
          |     --- //Other tag properties
          --- tagIdTwo (document)
                --- tagId: "tUjKPoq2dylFkSzg9cFg"
                --- tagName: "Geography"
                --- questionId: "LongQuestionIdTwo"
                --- //Other tag properties


Now, to get all the tags that correspond to a specific question, you need to simply query the tags collection where the questionId property holds the desired question id.


Or you can flatten and denormalize the database at the same time, as you can see in the following schema:

    --- questions (collections)
    |     |
    |     --- questionId (document)
    |            |
    |            --- questionId: "LongQuestionIdOne"
    |            |
    |            --- title: "Question Title"
    |            |
    |            --- tags (collections)
    |                 |
    |                 --- tagIdOne (document) //<----------- Same tag id
    |                 |     |
    |                 |     --- tagId: "yR8iLzdBdylFkSzg1k4K"
    |                 |     |
    |                 |     --- tagName: "History"
    |                 |     |
    |                 |     --- //Other tag properties
    |                 |
    |                 --- tagIdTwo (document) //<----------- Same tag id
    |                       |
    |                       --- tagId: "tUjKPoq2dylFkSzg9cFg"
    |                       |
    |                       --- tagName: "Geography"
    |                       |
    |                       --- //Other tag properties
    --- tags (collections)
          --- tagIdOne (document) //<----------- Same tag id
          |     |
          |     --- tagId: "yR8iLzdBdylFkSzg1k4K"
          |     |
          |     --- tagName: "History"
          |     |
          |     --- questionId: "LongQuestionIdOne"
          |     |
          |     --- //Other tag properties
          --- tagIdTwo (document) //<----------- Same tag id
                --- tagId: "tUjKPoq2dylFkSzg9cFg"
                --- tagName: "Geography"
                --- questionId: "LongQuestionIdTwo"
                --- //Other tag properties

请参见,users -> uid -> tags -> tagId中的标记对象与tags -> tagId中的相同.因此,我们将数据拼合以某种方式对现有数据进行分组.

See, the tag objects are the same as well in users -> uid -> tags -> tagId as in tags -> tagId. So we flatten data to group somehow existing data.


For more information, you can also take a look at:


Because you say you have a SQL background, try to think at a normalized design which will often store different but related pieces of data in separatelogical tables, which are called relations. If these relations are stored physically as separate disk files, completing a query that draws information from several relations (join operations) can be slow. If many relations are joined, it may be prohibitively slow. Because in NoSQL databases, we do not have "JOIN" clauses, we have to create different workarounds to get the same behavior.

这篇关于什么是Firebase Cloud Firestore中的非规范化?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!


09-06 08:31