


Every time I try to run this application it builds OK and installs, but as soon as it runs, the application breaks and prints this error message:

dyld: Library not loaded: @rpath/StandardCyborgFusion.framework/StandardCyborgFusion
  Referenced from: /private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/2292CCF2-800F-4E28-AF10-A1B98081DD0A/StandardCyborgExample.app/StandardCyborgExample
  Reason: no suitable image found.  Did find:
    /private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/2292CCF2-800F-4E28-AF10-A1B98081DD0A/StandardCyborgExample.app/Frameworks/StandardCyborgFusion.framework/StandardCyborgFusion: code signature invalid for '/private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/2292CCF2-800F-4E28-AF10-A1B98081DD0A/StandardCyborgExample.app/Frameworks/StandardCyborgFusion.framework/StandardCyborgFusion'


I saw many similar posts here and on the App Developer forums about this problem but no one has an explanation or a valid fix.


  • 清洁和建造
  • 重启 XCode
  • 重新启动 Mac
  • 完全重置钥匙串
  • 验证所有钥匙串证书信任设置是否为使用系统默认值"
  • 出厂重置我的 Mac

这似乎是我的 iOS 设备的问题.该应用程序可以在模拟器上启动,但模拟器不适合我的开发目的,所以我需要在我的设备上进行这项工作.我最近将我的 iPhone XR 更新到了 iOS 13.3.1.

It appears to be an issue with my iOS device. The application can start on a simulator, but the simulator is not good for my development purposes so I need to make this work on my device. I recently updated my iPhone XR to iOS 13.3.1.

"在实际 iOS (13.3.1) 设备上运行新应用程序在启动时崩溃:代码签名无效对于 "path/to/Flutter.framework/Flutter" #49504" 似乎是同样的问题.

"Running new app on actual iOS (13.3.1) device crashes on startup: code signature invalid for "path/to/Flutter.framework/Flutter" #49504" seems to be the same issue.

我使用的是 XCode 11 和 iOS 13.

I'm using XCode 11 and iOS 13.


我正在使用 CocoaPods,对我来说这修复了错误(Wasa22 在 github 问题上的回答):

I'm using CocoaPods, and for me this fixes the error (Wasa22's Answer on github issue):

  1. 打开 podfile
  2. 注释掉 use_frameworks!
  3. 添加 use_modular_headers!
  4. 在终端中,执行 pod update -> pod install
  5. 在 Xcode 中,清理 (Command-Shift-K) -> 构建并运行.



07-22 18:10