本文介绍了由于 PowerPC 架构,无法获取 RVM 文件的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我在 OS X 10.7.5 上从 railsinstaller.org 运行 railsinstaller,然后遇到了一些 RVM 问题:

I ran the railsinstaller from railsinstaller.org on my OS X 10.7.5, then ran into a few issues with RVM:

1) 首先,我得到RVM:找不到命令".所以我创建了 .bash_profile 并添加了

1) First, I got "RVM: command not found". So I created the .bash_profile and added

[[ -s "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm" ]] && source "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm"

2) 重新启动终端,但仍然收到相同的错误消息.我检查了 .rvm 文件夹以查看它是否已正确安装;它似乎缺少脚本"文件夹.所以我跑了

2) Restarted the terminal, but still getting the same error message. I checked the .rvm folder to see if it's properly installed; it seems to be missing the "scripts" folder. So I ran

\curl -L https://get.rvm.io | bash -s stable

3) 然后我明白了:

Launch of "gtar" failed: the PowerPC architecture is no longer supported. Could not extract RVM sources.

根据我的研究,这意味着我需要一台 Intel 64 位机器.但我仔细检查了一下,这确实是我所拥有的(英特尔酷睿双核 2).我一直在花费数小时试图找到更多相关文档,但无济于事,因此我真的陷入困境,因为我的项目需要 RVM.

Base on my research, this means that I need an Intel 64-bit machine. But I double checked and that is indeed what I have (Intel Core Duo 2). I've been spending hours trying to find more relevant documentations but to no avail, so I'm really stuck as I need the RVM for my projects.


I would really appreciate any help! Thank you!


在我的研究中,Jewelry Box 似乎不支持更新版本的 RVM.我实际上不知道这是否是您遇到的问题,但似乎很有可能.我建议卸载 Jewelry Box 并重新安装 RVM.

In my research it appears that Jewelry Box does not support newer versions of RVM. I don't actually know if this is the issue that you're running into, but it seems likely. I'd recommend uninstalling Jewelry Box and reinstalling RVM.

要重新安装 RVM,您需要完全remove RVM 然后使用您之前使用的相同字符串,但这次在末尾添加 --rails ,因此您也获得了 rails .

To reinstall RVM, you'll need to completely remove RVM and then use the same string you used before, but this time add --rails at the end, so you get rails as well.

\curl -L https://get.rvm.io | bash -s stable --rails

rails 安装程序的其他部分应该仍然存在,如 git 和 sm.

The other parts of rails installer should still be there like git and sm.

Jewelry Box 将不再有用,但为此我强烈建议您了解 Bundler.使用红宝石的事实上的标准.使用 rails 时会更有用,并且不太可能遇到依赖问题.

Jewelry Box will no longer be useful, but for that I highly recommend getting to know Bundler. The de facto standard for working with ruby gems. It'll be more useful when using rails and will be less likely to run into dependency issues.

也欢迎使用 Rails,坚持使用它,您很快就会成为专业人士.我强烈建议您查看 Rails Casts.非常好的简短易懂的 Rails 视频教程.

Welcome Rails as well, stick with it and you'll be a pro in no time. I highly recommend taking a look at Rails Casts. Very good short and digestable videos tutorials for rails.


这篇关于由于 PowerPC 架构,无法获取 RVM 文件的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-22 17:56