本文介绍了Python - 将数据写入csv格式为字符串(不是文件)的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我想将一个csv格式化的字符串数据转换为 [1,2,'a','他说'你是什么意思?'']

I want to cast data like [1,2,'a','He said "what do you mean?"'] to a csv-formatted string.

通常会使用 csv.writer()来处理所有疯狂的边缘转义,引用标记转义,CSV方言等)捕获是 csv.writer()期望输出到文件对象,而不是字符串。

Normally one would use csv.writer() for this, because it handles all the crazy edge cases (comma escaping, quote mark escaping, CSV dialects, etc.) The catch is that csv.writer() expects to output to a file object, not to a string.


My current solution is this somewhat hacky function:

def CSV_String_Writeline(data):
    class Dummy_Writer:
        def write(self,instring):
            self.outstring = instring.strip("\r\n")
    dw = Dummy_Writer()
    csv_w = csv.writer( dw )
    return dw.outstring


Can anyone give a more elegant solution that still handles the edge cases well?

编辑:这是我最后做的: / p>

Here's how I ended up doing it:

def csv2string(data):
    si = StringIO.StringIO()
    cw = csv.writer(si)
    return si.getvalue().strip('\r\n')


您可以使用,而不是您自己的 Dummy_Writer

还有,这是 StringIO 类。

这篇关于Python - 将数据写入csv格式为字符串(不是文件)的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-03 01:39