

我在Windows 10上使用GitHub Desktop.最初,我使用其HTTPS URL克隆了一个存储库,但是现在我们的组织建议我们必须使用SSH URL.所以我改变了这一点.

I am using GitHub Desktop on Windows 10. I initially cloned a repo using its HTTPS URL, but now our organisation have advised that we must use the SSH URL instead. So I have changed this over.

我还已经将我的公共SSH密钥( id_rsa.pub )的内容复制到了我的GitHub帐户中.我的SSH密钥受密码保护.

I have also copied the contents of my public SSH key (id_rsa.pub) in to my GitHub account. My SSH key is protected by a passphrase.

现在,当我尝试在GitHub Desktop中进行同步时,出现以下错误:

Now when I try to do to a sync in GitHub Desktop I get the following error:

在Git Bash中,它可以正常工作(尽管在每次拉动/推入之前都要求我提供我的密码短语).知道我需要做什么才能完成这项工作吗?

In Git Bash it works fine (it asks me for my passphrase before each pull/push though). Any idea what I need to do to make this work?



As more recently seen in "Permission failure cloning in Git in Windows", try and launch GitHub Desktop after:

git config --global core.sshCommand "'C:\Windows\System32\OpenSSH\ssh.exe'"

这将确保GitHub Desktop使用正确的OpenSSH ssh.exe ,而不是内部版本,如 台式机/台式机问题5641 .

That will ensure GitHub Desktop to use the right OpenSSH ssh.exe, instead of an internal one, as seen in desktop/desktop issue 5641.


07-24 05:05