


I'm working on a web app that needs to create GPG signatures for files as they're uploaded by someone on staff. However, for security, I don't want to keep the signing key on the webserver, even though it's protected by a passphrase.


One solution I was looking into was to prompt for the private key on startup of the webapp, and store it in memory. Then, pass in the text of the key when signing, instead of using a key from the keyring.

但是,我已经四处张望,找不到任何方法. GPG希望密钥在密钥环中.有什么建议或更好的主意吗?我使用的是Python,但是任何命令行工具/脚本也都可以很好地工作.

However, I've done a lot of looking around and can't find any way to do this. GPG expects the key to be in the keyring. Any suggestions, or better ideas? I'm using Python, but any command-line tools/scripts would work great as well.


(I realize I can always just generate signatures manually, on a non-public-facing machine...but I wanted to investigate this first, because if it's possible it would be much more convenient.)


有关超级用户的答案可能会给您一些想法.它是为使用公钥加密而编写的,但是很容易适应.总而言之:您可以使用gpg --homedir SOMEDIR,其中SOMEDIR是tmpfs文件系统上的目录,例如传统的/dev/shm.

This answer on superuser might give you some ideas. It's written for encrypting with a public key, but it would be easy to adapt. The long and short: you could use gpg --homedir SOMEDIR, where SOMEDIR was a directory on a tmpfs filesystem like the traditional /dev/shm.


07-22 17:27