

我正在使用我的应用中的确认凭证api通过 createConfirmDeviceCredentialIntent api.

I am using confirm credentials api in my app to authenticate user, using createConfirmDeviceCredentialIntent api.


The api is working fine when I have set up my device lock as pin/pattern/password or fingerprint. But, it's not working in the case of face unlock. I've set face unlock in my device and it's working fine when opening the device. But when I launch the intent using the above mentioned api, it's not recognizing face unlock but all the other things.


Is this a limitation of this api? or I've to do something extra to achieve this?


Can't find this anywhere so posting here.


不幸的是,这是不可能的,因为使用脸部解锁是Smart Lock解锁工具集的一部分.

Unfortunately, this isn't possible because unlocking using your face is part of the Smart Lock set of unlock tools.

属于Smart Lock类别的其他解锁方法包括:

Other methods of unlocking that fall under the Smart Lock category include:

  • 人体检测
  • 受信任的地方
  • 受信任的设备
  • 受信任的面孔(有问题的方法)
  • 信任的声音


Because none of these are primitive security methods in Android, it does not make sense to allow these to be accessed using APIs.

如果Smart Lock可以与Keyguard一起使用,则从理论上讲,人体检测将能够授予对应用的访问权限,并且该应用位于受信任的位置(而不是在受信任的人的手中),甚至可以信任的语音被使用.

If Smart Lock could be used with Keyguard, on-body detection would be in theory be able to grant access to an app, being in a trusted place (but not in the hands of a trusted person) and even trusted voice could be used.

Apple和Face ID可以允许这样做,因为Face ID是iPhone X的原始安全方法,因为用于解锁设备的数据以与Touch ID数据相同的方式保存在Secure Enclave中.

Apple and Face ID can allow this because Face ID is a primitive security method for the iPhone X, as the data used to unlock the device is kept in the Secure Enclave, in the same way that Touch ID data is.


I hope this gives you enough reason as to why this isn't possible, and why it makes sense that this isn't possible.

来源: Keyguard (说明允许使用的解锁方法),智能锁面部ID

Sources:Keyguard (stating unlock methods allowed to be used), Smart Lock, Face ID


08-22 20:59