For a performance measuring purpose I am trying to draw ROC curve. In ROC curve I have to plot False Positive Rate (FPR) in x-axis and True Positive Rate (TPR) in y-axis. As we know,
因此,在下面的图片中如何检测True Negative(TN)?我使用HOG分类器来检测人。我标记了矩形1,2,3,4,5,6(或应该是7),以显示应该忽略的人类对象,而不是分类为人类。我认为这些都是True Negative。
So in the following picture how can i detect True Negative(TN) ? I have used HOG classifier to detect human. I marked with rectangle 1,2,3,4,5,6(or should be 7) to show the human objects that should be ignored and not to classify as human. and I think those are True Negative.
In this picture i want to say my assumption,as we know,
False positive: Result should have been negative, but is positive.
True negative: Result should have been negative and is negative
所以我认为在这个帧FP = 0,TP = 0,FN = 0但不知道TN,是6还是7或任何其他?如果我错了,请更正我的FP,TP和FN。我看到了此问题这是非常有帮助的,但是我仍然需要为这个场景计算FPR。
So i think in this frame FP = 0, TP = 0, FN = 0 but not sure about TN, is it 6 or 7 or anything other? Please correct me also about FP, TP, and FN if i am wrong. I saw this question How to categorize True Negatives in sliding window object detection? which was really helpful but still i have to calculate FPR for this scenario.
You cannot calculate these values from such image, you need more data (knowledge what is actually happening). But what you need is probably just total amount of these windows, which is some constant N. Now, it seems like all these windows are wrong (none is on the human), thus:
- FP = 6(你的方法声称有6个人,但没有一个声明是有效的,因为它们完全关闭 - 但是如果这只是可视化问题,并且方法实际上捕获了有效的人,这6个应该移动到TP)
- TP = 0(它不正确地标记任何人)
- FN = 10(如果我计数正确,在这张图片上有10个人,所有这些都丢失了)
- TN = N - 16,其中N是所有分析窗口的数目,因为所有这些都被正确地分类为缺少人类,最多达到10个FN和6个FP,总计达到这16个。
- FP = 6 (your method claims there are 6 people, but none of these claims is valid since they are completely off - however if this is just visualization issue, and method actually captured valid people, this 6 should be moved to TP instead)
- TP = 0 (it does not correctly mark any human)
- FN = 10 (if I counted correctly there are 10 people at this image, and all these are missing)
- TN = N - 16, where N is number of all analized windows, since all of them are correctly classified as "lack of human" up to 10 FNs and 6 FPs, which add up to these 16.
- FP =有多少实际不是人类标记为人
- TP =有多少实际人类标记为人类
- FN =有多少人 > (未标记为人)
- TN = 标记为人)
- FP = how many actual not humans are marked "human"
- TP = how many actual humans are marked "human"
- FN = how many actual humans are correctly ignored (not marked "human")
- TN = how many actual not humans are correctly ignored (not marked "human")