

我正在尝试运行Mort Canty的 http://mcanty.homepage.t-online.de/二进制的RapidEye多光谱图像上的Python iMAD实现.它基本上计算了两个图像的规范相关性,然后将它们相减.我遇到的问题是图片为5000 x 5000 x 5(带)像素.如果我尝试在整个图像出现内存错误.

Im trying to run Mort Canty's http://mcanty.homepage.t-online.de/ Python iMAD implementation on bitemporal RapidEye Multispectral images. Which basically calculates the canonical correlation for the two images and then substracts them. The problem I'm having isthat the images are of 5000 x 5000 x 5 (bands) pixels. If I try to run this onthe whole image I get a memory error.


Would the use of something like pyTables help me with this?

Mort Canty的代码尝试执行的操作是使用gdal加载图像,然后将其存储以10 x 25,000,000的阵列排列.

What Mort Canty's code tries to do is that it loads the images using gdal and then stores themin an 10 x 25,000,000 array.

    # initial weights
    wt = ones(cols*rows)
    # data array (transposed so observations are columns)
    dm = zeros((2*bands,cols*rows))
    k = 0
    for b in pos:
    band1 = inDataset1.GetRasterBand(b+1)
    band1 = band1.ReadAsArray(x0,y0,cols,rows).astype(float)
    dm[k,:] = ravel(band1)
    band2 = inDataset2.GetRasterBand(b+1)
    band2 = band2.ReadAsArray(x0,y0,cols,rows).astype(float)
    dm[bands+k,:] = ravel(band2)
    k += 1

即使仅创建10 x 25,000,000 numpy的浮点数组也会引发内存错误.任何人都对如何解决这个问题有个好主意?这是我有史以来的第一篇文章,因此也欢迎任何关于如何发表的建议.

Even just creating a 10 x 25,000,000 numpy array of floats throws a memory error. Anyone have a good idea of how to get around this? This is my first post ever so any advice on how to post would also be welcome.



numpy默认情况下使用float64,因此您的dm -array占用2GB内存(8 * 10 * 25000000),其他数组每个大约200MB(〜8 * 5000 * 5000).

numpy uses float64 per default, so your dm-array takes up 2GB of memory (8*10*25000000), the other arrays probably about 200MB (~8*5000*5000) each.


astype(float) returns a new array, so you need memory for that as well - and is probably not even needed as the type is implicitly converted when copying the data to the result array.


when the memory used in the for-loop is freed depends on garbage collection. and this doesn't consider the memory overhead of GetRasterBand, ReadAsArray.


are your sure your input data uses 64-bit floats? if it uses 32-bit floats, you could easyliy half the memory usage by specifying dtype='f' on your arrays.


07-22 17:02