


db=# SELECT '2012-01-18 1:0 CET'::timestamptz AT TIME ZONE 'UTC','2012-01-18 1:0 欧洲/维也纳'::timestamptz AT TIME ZONE 'UTC';时区 |时区---------------------+--------------------2012-08-18 00:00:00 |2012-08-17 23:00:00



db=# SELECT * FROM pg_timezone_names WHERE name IN ('CET', 'Europe/Vienna');姓名 |缩写 |utc_offset |is_dst---------------+--------+------------+--------欧洲/维也纳 |中科院 |02:00:00 |吨CET |中科院 |02:00:00 |吨

我查阅了 关于时区的 PostgreSQL 手册::>

PostgreSQL 允许您以三种不同的形式指定时区:

完整的时区名称,例如 America/New_York.识别的时区名称列在 pg_timezone_names 视图中(见第 45.67 节).PostgreSQL 使用广泛使用的 zoneinfo 时间用于此目的的区域数据,因此相同的名称也被识别许多其他软件.

时区缩写,例如 PST.这样的规范仅定义了与 UTC 的特定偏移量,与全时不同可以暗示一组夏令时转换日期的区域名称 公认的缩写列在pg_timezone_abbrevs 视图(见第 45.66 节).您不能设置配置参数 timezone 或 log_timezone 到一个时区缩写,但您可以在日期/时间输入值中使用缩写并使用 AT TIME ZONE 运算符.




SELECT version();版本-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu 上的 PostgreSQL 9.1.4,由 gcc-4.4.real (Debian 4.4.5-8) 4.4.5 编译,64 位显示 timezone_abbreviations;timezone_abbreviations------------------------默认


我不知道时区名称 CET 的来源.但显然它存在于我的装置中.对 sqlfiddle 的快速测试显示了相同的结果.

我在两台具有类似设置的不同服务器上进行了测试.还有 PostgreSQL 8.4.在所有的 pg_timezone_names 中发现 'CET' 作为时区 name.



SELECT * FROM pg_timezone_abbrevsWHERE 缩写 IN ('CEST', 'CET');缩写 |utc_offset |is_dst--------+------------+--------中科院 |02:00:00 |吨CET |01:00:00 |F

事实证明,有一个时区缩写名为CET(这是有道理的,CET"是缩写).似乎 PostgreSQL 选择了全名的缩写.所以,即使我在时区 names 中找到了 CET,表达式 '2012-01-18 1:0 CET'::timestamptz 被解释为根据微妙的不同时区的规则缩写.

SELECT '2012-01-18 1:0 CEST'::timestamptz(0),'2012-01-18 1:0 CET'::timestamptz(0),'2012-01-18 1:0 欧洲/维也纳'::timestamptz(0);时间戳 |时间戳 |时间戳------------------------+------------------------+------------------------2012-01-18 00:00:00+01 |2012-01-18 01:00:00+01 |2012-01-18 01:00:00+01选择 '2012-08-18 1:0 CEST'::timestamptz(0),'2012-08-18 1:0 CET'::timestamptz(0),'2012-08-18 1:0 欧洲/维也纳'::timestamptz(0);时间戳 |时间戳 |时间戳------------------------+------------------------+------------------------2012-08-18 01:00:00+02 |2012-08-18 02:00:00+02 |2012-08-18 01:00:00+02

我在时区名称中发现了 10 个时区缩写,但不明白为什么会出现这些缩写.目的是什么?


SELECT n.*, a.*FROM pg_timezone_names nJOIN pg_timezone_abbrevs a ON a.abbrev = n.nameWHERE n.utc_offset <>a.utc_offset;姓名 |缩写 |utc_offset |is_dst |缩写 |utc_offset |is_dst------+--------+------------+--------+--------+------------+--------CET |中科院 |02:00:00 |吨|CET |01:00:00 |FEET |欧洲东部时间 |03:00:00 |吨|EET |02:00:00 |F遇见 |梅斯特 |02:00:00 |吨|遇见 |01:00:00 |F湿 |西 |01:00:00 |吨|湿 |00:00:00 |F

在这些情况下,人们可能会被愚弄(就像我一样),查找 tz name 并找到实际未应用的时间偏移.这是一个不幸的设计 - 如果不是错误,至少是一个文档错误.


附录 B.1.日期/时间输入解释提到了时区缩写的查找,但它仍然不清楚时区名称是如何识别的,以及在以下情况下哪个优先一个模棱两可的标记.



嗯,这句话有一个轻微的暗示,缩写在前,但没有确定性.此外,在两个表中都有一列 abbrevpg_timezone_namespg_timezone_abbrevs ...

I've just spent an hour in despair with the discrepancy in these results of these two expressions:

db=# SELECT '2012-01-18 1:0 CET'::timestamptz AT TIME ZONE 'UTC'
           ,'2012-01-18 1:0 Europe/Vienna'::timestamptz AT TIME ZONE 'UTC';
      timezone       |      timezone
 2012-08-18 00:00:00 | 2012-08-17 23:00:00

Obviously, the second expression deducts two hours according to DST rules, where the first one only uses the standard offset.

I checked the catalogs for these two time zone names. They are both there and look just the same:

db=# SELECT * FROM pg_timezone_names WHERE name IN ('CET', 'Europe/Vienna');
     name      | abbrev | utc_offset | is_dst
 Europe/Vienna | CEST   | 02:00:00   | t
 CET           | CEST   | 02:00:00   | t

I consulted the PostgreSQL manual about time zones:

Bold Emphasis mine.

So why the difference?

My setup (more details added)

  • PostgreSQL 9.1.4 on Debian Squeeze (standard squeeze-backports from http://backports.debian.org/debian-backports)

  • Local timezone setting defaults to the system locale de_AT.UTF-8, but should be irrelevant for the example.

SELECT version();
 PostgreSQL 9.1.4 on x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc-4.4.real (Debian 4.4.5-8) 4.4.5, 64-bit

SHOW timezone_abbreviations;


.. which (I assume) loads abbreviations from this file: /usr/share/postgresql/9.1/timezonesets/Default

I am at a loss where the time zone name CET comes from. But obviously it is there in my installations. A quick test on sqlfiddle shows the same result.

I tested on two different servers with similar setup. Also with PostgreSQL 8.4. Found 'CET' as time zone name in pg_timezone_names in all of them.


Right after I posted this, I ran another query to check on a suspicion:

SELECT * FROM pg_timezone_abbrevs
WHERE  abbrev IN ('CEST', 'CET');

 abbrev | utc_offset | is_dst
 CEST   | 02:00:00   | t
 CET    | 01:00:00   | f

As it turns out, there is also a time zone abbreviation named CET (which makes sense, "CET" being an abbreviation). And it seems that PostgreSQL picks the abbreviation over the full name. So, even though I found CET in the time zone names, the expression '2012-01-18 1:0 CET'::timestamptz is interpreted according to the subtly different rules for time zone abbreviations.

SELECT '2012-01-18 1:0 CEST'::timestamptz(0)
      ,'2012-01-18 1:0 CET'::timestamptz(0)
      ,'2012-01-18 1:0 Europe/Vienna'::timestamptz(0);

      timestamptz       |      timestamptz       |      timestamptz
 2012-01-18 00:00:00+01 | 2012-01-18 01:00:00+01 | 2012-01-18 01:00:00+01

SELECT '2012-08-18 1:0 CEST'::timestamptz(0)
      ,'2012-08-18 1:0 CET'::timestamptz(0)
      ,'2012-08-18 1:0 Europe/Vienna'::timestamptz(0);

      timestamptz       |      timestamptz       |      timestamptz
 2012-08-18 01:00:00+02 | 2012-08-18 02:00:00+02 | 2012-08-18 01:00:00+02

I find 10 cases of time zone abbreviations in the time zone names and fail to understand why those are there. What's the purpose?

Among those, the time offset (utc_offset) disagrees in four cases due to the DST setting:

SELECT n.*, a.*
FROM   pg_timezone_names n
JOIN   pg_timezone_abbrevs a ON  a.abbrev = n.name
WHERE  n.utc_offset <> a.utc_offset;

 name | abbrev | utc_offset | is_dst | abbrev | utc_offset | is_dst
 CET  | CEST   | 02:00:00   | t      | CET    | 01:00:00   | f
 EET  | EEST   | 03:00:00   | t      | EET    | 02:00:00   | f
 MET  | MEST   | 02:00:00   | t      | MET    | 01:00:00   | f
 WET  | WEST   | 01:00:00   | t      | WET    | 00:00:00   | f

In these cases, people may be fooled (like I was), looking up the tz name and finding a time offset that is not actually applied. That is an unfortunate design - if not a bug, at least a documentation bug.

I fail to find anything in the manual about how ambiguities between time zone names and abbreviations are resolved. Obviously abbreviations take precedence.

Appendix B.1. Date/Time Input Interpretation mentions the lookup for time zone abbreviations, but it remains unclear how time zone names are identified and which of them has priority in case of an ambiguous token.

Well, there is a slight hint in this sentence that abbreviations come first, but nothing definitive. Also, there is a column abbrev in both tables, pg_timezone_namesand pg_timezone_abbrevs ...


09-03 10:45