

我使用的是 NUnit 2.5,我想测试一个接收多个参数的方法.

I am using NUnit 2.5, and I want to test a method that recieves several parameters.
Is it reasonable to try to test them using one Test method, with several different TestCases, or will it be harder to maintain (Or just pin point the exact failure) in the long run?


My general idea is to try something like

[TestCase("valid", Result="validasd",
  Description = "Valid string test, expecting valid answer")]
[TestCase(null, ExpectedException = typeof(ArgumentNullException),
  Description = "Calling with null, expecting exception")]
[TestCase("", ExpectedException = typeof(ArgumentException),
  Description = "Calling with an empty string, expecting exception")]
public string TestSubString(string value)
  return MethodUnderTest(value);


Is it also a recommended usage - without an explicit assert, just checking on the return value? Or should I stick to the normal way or asserting the value inside the method?


我发现 TestCase 属性在测试主要接受一些简单值、用它们计算然后返回结果的方法时很有用.在这些情况下,编写此类测试所需的开销和重复工作会大大减少.

I have found the TestCase attribute to be useful when testing methods that primarily accept some simple values, compute with them, and then return a result. In these cases, it takes substantially less overhead and duplication to write such tests.


This approach does not work when the method requires complex object parameters, because the TestCase attribute can only accept primitive types as input parameters to pass to the method.


You may also want to consider writing a more typical unit test if:

  1. 您团队中的其他开发人员不熟悉这种技术
  2. 可能改变或容纳更多参数的方法的签名
  3. 如果要测试的测试用例或值组合不止少数
  4. 您需要以特定顺序执行测试
  5. 您想使用 ReSharper 为 Visual Studio 运行您的测试(它目前可以无法识别 TestCase 属性)
  1. other developers on your team are not familiar with this technique
  2. the signature of the method likely to change or accommodate more parameters
  3. if there are more than a handful of test cases or combinations of values to test
  4. you need the tests to execute in a particular order
  5. you want to run your tests using ReSharper for Visual Studio (it currently does not recognize the TestCase attribute)


09-02 23:39