I am super new to the field of object detection.I was wondering if anyone can help me somehow on how I can download and use the object detection datasets such as coco or pascal. When I go to their website even after downloading the datasets i feel like i dont know what should i do with them...I know this question is stupid, but a hint to start can be super useful.Thanks
我正在使用:Ubuntu 16.04上的python 3.5
*两者都包括) 3)可以从COCO官方网站下载。
I'm using: python 3.5 on Ubuntu 16.04
Firstly, there are three things you'd want to download and unzip:
1) Cocoapi - I tried using the official version but it doesn't work (for me, probably some version issues). So I'm using one of these versions (I can't rmb which one I've used):
https://github.com/cocodataset/cocoapi (official)
2) Download COCO images. I'd recommend downloading a valuation set just to try things out first.
3) Download the corresponding annotations for that image set that you've downloaded.
*Both 2) and 3) can be downloaded from the COCO official site.
将cocoapi解压缩到您选择的文件夹中。然后,将注释和图像解压缩到该未压缩的cocoapi文件夹中。并将它们命名为注释和图像。我使用的是Ubuntu 16.04,因此我使用终端浏览到... / cocoapi-master / PythonAPI文件夹。然后,运行make。请注意, ...部分是您将cocoapi解压缩到的文件夹的路径。对我来说,解压缩后的文件夹称为cocoapi-master。但是,根据下载的版本,它可能会被命名为其他名称。
Unzip the cocoapi to a folder of your choice. Then, unzip the annotations and images into that unzipped cocoapi folder. And name them as "annotations" and "images". I'm using Ubuntu 16.04 so I used the terminal to navigate to the .../cocoapi-master/PythonAPI folder. Then, run make. Note that the "..." part is the path to the folder you unzipped your cocoapi to. For me, the unzipped folder is called cocoapi-master. But depending on the version you downloaded, it could be named something else.
Next, I had my own python scripts nested in the PythonAPI folder. These scripts are copied and then edited from the python demos which they've provided on their official Github page.
Potential issues - because of some backend compatibility issues with matplotlib, the images might not display properly. If you have that issue you might want to refer to this:
No image pop-up or display for plt.imshow() and plt.show()
希望这对您有用! :)
Hope this works for you! :)