我目前有一个作为常规 html 表单提交的搜索模块.在其中,我目前获取产品的绝对最小值和最大值,例如 50 和 2500.现在我需要构建一个带有两个按钮(选择范围)的滑块,当提交表单时,这两个用户选择的值需要发送,最好作为两个不同的变量.我不熟悉如何做这样的事情,有什么想法吗?
I presently have a search module that submits as a regular html form. In it, I currently fetch an absolute minimum and maximum value for products, for example 50 and 2500. Now I need to build a slider with two buttons (to select a range) and when the form is submitted, both these user-selected values need to be sent, preferrably as two different variables. I am not familiar with how to do such a thing, any ideas?
正如每个人都提到的 jQuery UI,我实际上一直在摆弄这个,它会很理想但我无法让它运行..我下载了插件,安装了它并使用了 3在我的行中调用它,但是当我在我的 html 中调用 div 时,它只呈现一个文本框.我错过了什么吗?
As everyone is mentionning jQuery UI, I've been fiddling around with this actually, it woudl be ideal but I haven't been able to make it run..I downloaded the plugin, installed it and used the 3 lines to call it in my but when I call the div in my html it only renders a textbox. Am I missing something?
结帐 jquery UI.它有一个可以很好地工作的滑块元素:http://jqueryui.com/demos/slider/
Checkout jquery UI. it has a slider element that could work well:http://jqueryui.com/demos/slider/
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