过去几周我在 memcached 上做了很多工作,刚刚发现了 Redis.读到他们自述的这部分,我的胃里顿时有种暖暖的舒服的感觉:
I have worked quite a bit with memcached the last weeks and just found out about Redis. When I read this part of their readme, I suddenly got a warm, cozy feeling in my stomach:
Redis 可以用作类固醇的 memcached,因为它与memcached 但有许多功能更多.和 memcached 一样,Redis 也支持给键设置超时时间此密钥将自动在给定的时间内移除通过.
This sounds amazing. I'd also found this page with benchmarks: http://www.ruturaj.net/redis-memcached-tokyo-tyrant-mysql-comparison
那么,老实说 - 与这个名为 Redis 的新人相比,从性能角度来看,memcache 真的是一个糟糕的选择吗?
So, honestly - Is memcache really that old dinousaur that is a bad choice from a performance perspective when compared to this newcomer called Redis?
我以前没有听说过很多关于 Redis 的事情,因此我的问题的方法!
I haven't heard lot about Redis previously, thereby the approach for my question!
Memcache 仍然是一个出色的工具,而且非常可靠.
Memcache is an excellent tool still and VERY reliable.
而不是从谁更快的角度来看待这个问题 <100 ms 范围,看软件每个类"的性能.
instead of looking at this issue from the perspective getting down the who is faster at the < 100 ms range, look at the performance per "class" of the software.
- 它是否只使用本地内存?-> 最快
- 是否使用远程内存?-> 快
- 是否使用内存加硬盘 -> 哦,嗯.
- 是否只使用硬盘 -> 运行!