


通俗地说,取消引用指针指一元 * 运营商申请的指针。世界上只有一个地方提领字的文件草案中存在的(没有解引用实例),它是在脚注:

As far as I can see, the unary * operator is actually called the "indirection operator", as evidenced by §

Simiarily, it is explicitly called the indirection operator in Annex §J.2:

So is it correct to talk about "dereferencing pointers" in C or is this being excessively pedantic? Where does the terminology come from? (I can kinda give a pass on [] being called "deferencing" due to §


K&R v1

If one look at The C Programming Language, in first edition, (1978), the term "indirection" is used.



It is also listed in INDEX as e.g.

A longer excerpt from section 5.1

K&R v2

In second edition the term dereferencing comes in.

Prior usage

The term is however ("much") older as can be seen in e.g.

A survey of some issues concerning abstract data types, 1974. E.g pp24/25. Here stated in the connection with ALGOL 68, PASCAL, SIMULA 67.


There are several other examples of its usage. Exactly where and when it was coined I am not able to find though (at least not yet). (The 1974 paper is at least interesting.)

For the fun of it it can also often be useful to look at mailing lists such as net.unix-wizards. An example from Peter Lamb at Melbourne Uni (11/28/83):

Ed1. Addition

Not mentioning "dereferencing" but still; An interesting read is Ritchie: The Development of the C Language ✝

Here the term "indirection" is also consistently used – but/and/etc. the connection between the languages are somewhat detailed. The use of the term is thus interesting in view of e.g. papers like the 1974 one mentioned above.

As an example on indirection as concept and the syntax read e.g. pp 12 ev.

In this conjunction it is likely also worth mentioning ANSI C89 and mentions like:

(I have to re-read some of these documents now.)


09-03 05:58