

我正在使用tensorflow对象检测api,使用来自tensorflow 动物园模范.

I am using tensorflow object-detection api for training a custom model using ssdlite_mobilenet_v2_coco_2018_05_09 from tensorflow model zoo.


I successfully trained the model and test it out using a script provided in this tutorial.

这是问题所在,我需要一个 detect.tflite 才能在目标计算机(嵌入式系统)中使用它.但是,当我实际上用模型制作tflite时,它几乎不输出,而当它出现时,它的检测错误.要制作.tflite文件,我首先通过文档和一些Google搜索:

Here is the problem, I need a detect.tflite to use it in my target machine (an embedded system). But when I actually make a tflite out of my model, it outputs almost nothing and when it does, its a wrong detection. To make the .tflite file, I first used export_tflite_ssd_graph.py and then toco on the output with this command by following the doc and some google searches:

此外,当我使用ssd_mobilenet_v3_small_coco detect.tflite文件对其进行测试时,.tflite用于检测任务的代码也可以正常工作.

Also, the code I'm using for detection task from .tflite is working properly, as I tested it with ssd_mobilenet_v3_small_coco detect.tflite file.


问题出在toco命令.我使用的某些文档已过时并误导了我. toco已过时,我应该改用tflite_convert工具.

The problem was with the toco command. Some documents that I used were outdated and mislead me. toco is deprecated and I should have used tflite_convert tool instead.


Here is the full command I used (run from your training directory):


I did the training on ssdlite_mobilenet_v2_coco_2018_05_09 model and added this at the end of my .config file.

 graph_rewriter {
  quantization {
    delay: 400
    weight_bits: 8
    activation_bits: 8


Also I used this command to generate tflite_graph.pb in tflite_inference_graph directory:

注意:我想在嵌入式系统上使用量化模型.这就是我在配置文件中添加graph_rewriter并在tflite_convert命令中添加--inference_type = QUANTIZED_UINT8的原因.

Note: I wanted to use a quantized model on my embedded system. That is the reason I added graph_rewriter in the config file and --inference_type=QUANTIZED_UINT8 in my tflite_convert command.


08-28 21:38