

我是编程新手.为了帮助我学习,我正在做一个创建PostIT note应用程序的项目.






Hi, I am new to programming. To help me learn, I am doing a project to create a PostIT note application.

I think I need to create two classes, one which is the actual note, then another to store and manage a list of open notes. It''s not easy to show but something like this;

Class - Note / Properties - IDnum, xpos, ypos, height, width, titlebar, content
Class - NoteHandler /Properties - Postit list / Methods - CreateNew, Delete, SaveChanges

How do I go about creating the list for the NoteHandler? I am thinking that I create a new Note object, then assign it an ID number which I then store in an array in the NoteHandler. I can then refer to that ID number later on when I need it.

I''m certain though that there is another way of doing this by creating some kind of collection of objects. I do not expect anybody to spend any time training me :) although that would be nice. If you could point me at what I need to research to make it work that would be great.

Thanks in advance.


using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;



2.我是否需要从一开始就需要IEnumerable的集合,才能使我使用LINQ为集合上的所有类型的操作提供的精美工具? [1]


b.我是否需要花哨的方法来查找对象或集合中的对象,然后将其复制到其他对象等? [2]


快速浏览您选择的一些:...假设"Note"是体现" Note对象的类的名称:



In my humble opinion, the key questions to ask yourself in choosing a Collection type are:

1. is the type of object I will store always the same type ? For this case, the answer would be "yes," I think.

2. does the collection I need have to be IEnumerable, from the beginning, in order for me to use the fancy tools that LINQ provides for all types of operations on collections ? [1]

a. do I need to be able to easily sort the collection objects ?

b. do I need fancy ways to find an object, or objects in the collection, to copy them to other objects, etc. ? [2]

3. given how many objects I need to store, and the cost of storage per item, am I constrained in my choice of collection types by quantity, or constrained by performance aspects of access time, and collection manipulation time ? Note: this type of consideration was much more important several years ago !

4. advanced: considerations of thread safety, communication between threads, or processes, serialization and de-serialization ?

A quick look at some of your choices: ... assuming that ''Note'' is the name of your class that ''embodies'' the Note object:

in System.Collections:

1. use of an Array or Arraylist:

Note[] NoteArray = new Note[10]; // fixed size, explicitly typed
ArrayList NoteArrayList = new ArrayList(); // dynamic size, untyped


在System.Collections.Generic中:建议您从基本的Generic List开始,然后研究和/或实现Generic Dictionary的使用:


Suggest you study and, possibly, implement the other collection types found in System.Collections: Stack, Queue, SortedList, HashTable.

in System.Collections.Generic: Suggest you start with the basic Generic List, then study and/or implement use of a Generic Dictionary:

1. use of a simple generic collection:

List<Note> GenericNoteList = new List<Note>();


2. use of a dictionary: what if you wanted to quickly access a given Note by a matching string, perhaps the Note title:

Dictionary<string, Note> GenericNoteDictionary = new Dictionary<string, Note>();

现在……最后……一个示例解决方案:在VS Studio 2010 Pro中进行了测试.仅限NET FrameWork 4.0客户端目标:

And now ... at last ... a sample solution: tested in VS Studio 2010 Pro with .NET FrameWork 4.0 client target only:

// declared in the body of Form1''s class definition
private Form2 f2;
private Form3 f3;

private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    // instantiate the two other Forms
    f2 = new Form2();
    f3 = new Form3();

    // assign Form2''s button a Click Handler
    // we access the private Form2 Button
    // exposed by a public property which is auto-intialized
    // in Form2''s constructor just after the call to
    // InitializeComponent();
    f2.f2Button.Click += new EventHandler(f2Button_Click);

    // same technique for Form3''s TextBox
    // exposed by a public Property
    f3.f3TextBox.TextChanged += new EventHandler(f3TextBox_TextChanged);



bon apetit,比尔



[2]这听起来可能有点抽象",但确实很实用:例如:将来,您是否希望Post-It类型应用程序的用户轻松找到某种颜色的所有Node,或者在两个日期之间创建? IEnumerable的通用集合使此操作相对容易.

Left for you to implement are the f2Button_Click, and f3TextBox_TextChanged event handlers in Form1, and the implementation in Form2, and Form3, of the necessary public properties and their intialization.

After you get your collection strategy worked out and tested, perhaps consider adding some ''extras'' to the Note style: date-time field for each Note ... date created ... date modified, and a choice of colors for the Note text and/or background ?

bon apetit, Bill

... edit #1: minor clean-up of some tags that got scrambled in the code-blocks ...
... edit #2: restore sample code accidentally deleted in edit #1; simplified it a bit ...

[1] yes, you can convert certain collection types to IEnumerable that are not IEnumerable to start with, but there is a "cost" to that conversion.

[2] this may sound a bit "abstract," but it''s really practical: for example: in the future, do you want users of your Post-It type application to easily find all the Nodes of a certain color, or created between two dates ? Generic Collections which are IEnumerable make this relatively easy.


09-05 16:41