


I am working on an application that loads plugins at startup from a subdirectory, and currently i am doing this by using reflection to iterate over the types of each assembly and to find public classes implementing the IPluginModule interface.


Since Reflection involves a performance hit, and i expect that there will be several plugins after a while, i wondered if it would be useful to define a custom attribute applied at the assembly level, that could be checked before iterating over the types (possibly about a dozen types in an assembly, including 1 implementor of IPluginModule).


The attribute, if present, could then provide a method to return the needed types or instances, and iterating over the types would then only be a fallback mechanism. Storing the type info in a configuration file is not an option.


Would this improve performance, or does it just not matter compared to the time to actually takes to load the assembly from storage? Also, would this usage be appropriate for an attribute at all?



I will answer your question with a question: Why are you worried about this?


You're worrying about a potential performance hit in a one time operation because there might be several plugins at a later date.

除非你的应用程序的启动时间过长给用户,我不会浪费时间考虑这个问题 - 有可能是更好的东西,你可以工作,以提高应用程序

Unless your application startup time is excessively long to a user, I wouldn't waste time thinking about it - there are probably much better things that you can work on to improve your application.


07-29 20:26