


Imagine you have Christmas-tree style LED light at a distance D from a camera.


Knowing the properties of both the LED light (such as shape and intensity) and the camera (such as focal length), is it possible to calculate the distance from the camera to the LED light using a snapshot?


If yes, how accurate would the measurement be?


明亮的光源本身并不适合这个,因为明亮的光线通常会扭曲具有 MIE + Rayleight 散射的相邻空间创建雾霾取决于许多事物而不仅仅是照明。此外,相机本身也存在一些问题,例如由扫描线和/或镜头光晕(通常旋转的星形或多边形,有时彩虹色)引起的明亮的H或V线,使得很难测量在某些情况下,图片中的尺寸

Bright light sources itself are not good for this as the bright light usually distorts the neighboring space with MIE+Rayleight scattering creating haze dependent on many things not just illumination. Also there are few problems in the camera itself like the bright H or V lines caused by charge jump across scan-line and or lens flares (that star like or polygonial shape usually rotated and sometimes rainbow colored) making really hard to measure the size in the image in some cases.


In case your image contains such problems I would use some other objects of known size like Christmas balls (or the light holders/sockets if visible/usable) also what about tree leafs for evergreen they usually all the same size. The precision can be estimated like this:

如果 x 方向的相机的 FOV 60deg ,分辨率是 640x480 (假设是方形像素)则一个像素是 da = 60deg /640pix=0.09375deg 角度精度。所以对于 h = 5cm = 0.05m 大对象 d = 2.5m 远离相机我看到它是这样的:

If FOV of camera in x direction is 60deg and resolution is 640x480 (assuming square pixels) then one pixel is da = 60deg/640pix=0.09375deg angle accuracy. So for h=5cm=0.05m big object d=2.5m distant from camera I see it like this:

tan(ang) = h/d
ang = atan( h/d) = atan(0.05/2.5) = 1.14 deg
p = ang / da = 1.14/0.09375 = 12.2214 pixel


so image can be either 12 or 13 pixel big so computing the distance back

d = h/tan(p*da)
d0 = 0.05/tan(12*0.09375) = 2.54615m
d1 = 0.05/tan(13*0.09375) = 2.35024m

acc = 100*max(d-d0,d-d1)/d = 100*max(0.04615,0.25024)/2.5 = ~ 10.0096%

现在您可以看到精度受物体大小和相机距离的影响。此外还有 FOV 和相机本身的分辨率。

Now as you can see the precision is affected by object size and distance from camera. Also on the FOV and resolution of camera itself.


To improve this you can use sub-pixel precision object measurement ...


09-06 06:16