在MVC Web开发框架(如Ruby on Rails,Django和CakePHP)中,HTTP请求被路由到控制器,控制器获取通常保存到后端数据库存储中的对象。这些对象表示用户,博客帖子等内容,并且通常在其方法中包含用于权限,获取和/或变更其他对象,验证等的逻辑。
In MVC web development frameworks such as Ruby on Rails, Django, and CakePHP, HTTP requests are routed to controllers, which fetch objects which are usually persisted to a backend database store. These objects represent things like users, blog posts, etc., and often contain logic within their methods for permissions, fetching and/or mutating other objects, validation, etc.
这些框架都非常面向对象。我最近一直在阅读函数式编程,它似乎吹嘘巨大的好处,如可测试性,简洁性,模块化等。然而,我看到的大多数例子我已经看到的功能编程实现琐碎的功能,如quicksort或fibonnacci序列,不是复杂webapps。我看了几个功能的Web框架,他们似乎实现视图和控制器很好,但大部分跳过了整个模型和持久性部分。 (我正在谈论更多的框架,如Compojure应该是纯粹的功能,而不是东西电梯,方便地似乎使用Scala的OO部分的模型 - 但纠正我,如果我在这里错了。)
These frameworks are all very much object oriented. I've been reading up recently on functional programming and it seems to tout tremendous benefits such as testability, conciseness, modularity, etc. However most of the examples I've seen for functional programming implement trivial functionality like quicksort or the fibonnacci sequence, not complex webapps. I've looked at a few 'functional' web frameworks, and they all seem to implement the view and controller just fine, but largely skip over the whole 'model' and 'persistence' part. (I'm talking more about frameworks like Compojure which are supposed to be purely functional, versus something Lift which conveniently seems to use the OO part of Scala for the model -- but correct me if I'm wrong here.)
I haven't seen a good explanation of how functional programming can be used to provide the metaphor that OO programming provides, i.e. tables map to objects, and objects can have methods which provide powerful, encapsulated logic such as permissioning and validation. Also the whole concept of using SQL queries to persist data seems to violate the whole 'side effects' concept. Could someone provide an explanation of how the 'model' layer would be implemented in a functionally programmed web framework?
不想要在一个功能编程的web框架中实现模型 bash面向对象的MVC框架 - 我不知道Rails,但Django是一个优秀的软件,我的眼睛 - 我不确定对象关系映射是一个 。
Without wanting to bash object oriented MVC frameworks -- I don't know Rails, but Django is an excellent piece of software to my eye -- I'm not sure that Object-Relational Mapping is a particularly good metaphor.
Of course in an OO language it may seem natural to want to think of tables in terms of objects, but in a functional language it is perfectly natural to think of tables in terms of tables. A single row can be represented easily using an algebraic data type (in Haskell and other statically typed functional languages) or a map (a.k.a. a dictionary; an associative structure mapping keys to values); a table then becomes a sequence of rows, which after all it is even at the DB level. Thus there is no special mapping from the DB construct of a table to some other construct available in the programming language; you can simply use tables on both sides.
现在这不意味着有必要使用SQL查询来操作DB中的数据,前面描述了抽象对RDBMS的奇怪的优点。由于您使用的是Clojure代码,因此您可能对感兴趣,这是一种嵌入式DSL,用于与各种DB以一种通用的方式。 (注意,它刚刚被重做。)你可以使用一些这样的DSL来提取数据;使用纯函数来操纵这样获得的数据;然后显示一些结果,并可能将一些数据保存到DB(使用相同的DSL)。
Now this does not in any way mean that it is necessary to use SQL queries to manipulate the data in the DB, foregoing the benefits of abstraction over varios RDBMSs' quirks. Since you're using the Clojure tag, perhaps you might be interested in ClojureQL, an embedded DSL for communicating with various DBs in a generic way. (Note that it's being reworked just now.) You can use some such DSL for extracting data; manipulate the data thus obtained using pure functions; then display some results and maybe persist some data back to the DB (using the same DSL).
If you think comparing a technology to the Vietnam war is a bit extreme, I guess I agree, but that doesn't mean that article doesn't do a very good job of discribing why one might not want to sink in the ORM quagmire.
Note that you could use the same approach in an OO language and abstract over DB backends in the same way in which it's done in FP languages (see the next paragraph). Of course then your MVC framework would no longer look quite like Rails.