本文介绍了当路由参数无效时,角度 2 路由到 404 页面的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


假设我有一个带有这样参数的路由(在 Angular 2 中):/user1/products/:id,它可能有像 /user1/products/3/这样的子路由评论.

Say I have an route with a param like this (in Angular 2): /user1/products/:id, which could have child routes like /user1/products/3/reviews.

当我导航到 /user1/products/-1 时,我会检查我的服务器,如果该产品不存在,我想呈现一个 404 页面而不影响浏览器历史记录.

When I navigate to /user1/products/-1, I check with my server and if the product doesn't exist, I want to render a 404 page without affecting the browser history.

使用 router.navigate(['/404'])router.navigateByUrl('/404') 似乎不起作用,因为它同时添加了 /user1/products/-1/404 到浏览器历史记录.

Using router.navigate(['/404']) or router.navigateByUrl('/404') doesn't seem to work because it adds both /user1/products/-1 and/404 to the browser history.

意味着当我在浏览器中按下 Back 按钮时,我会返回到 /user1/products/-1,它会立即重定向到 /404 我基本上被困在 /404.

Meaning when I press the Back button in the browser, I go back to /user1/products/-1 which is immediately redirected to /404 and I'm essentially stuck at /404.

在 ExpressJS 中,我们会执行类似 next() 的操作来将请求传递给我们的 404 处理程序.Angular 2 中是否有客户端等价物?

In ExpressJS, we would do something like next() to pass the request to our 404 handler. Is there a client-side equivalent in Angular 2?



在新的路由器 V3 中,您可以使用 https://angular.io/guide/router#canactivate-requiring-authentication

In the new Router V3 you can use guards as explained in https://angular.io/guide/router#canactivate-requiring-authentication


我认为您应该使用 @CanActivate() 进行检查.如果您在 @CanActivate() 中转发,则不应将无效 URL 添加到历史记录中(未尝试)

I think you should use @CanActivate() to do the check. If you forward in @CanActivate() the invalid URL shouldn't be added to the history (not tried)

另见 https://github.com/angular/angular/issues/4112 如何在 @CanActivate()

这篇关于当路由参数无效时,角度 2 路由到 404 页面的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-22 16:04