

在组装一个简单的64位hello world程序后出现错误.我正在使用以下命令:

I am getting an error after assembling a simple 64 bit hello world program.I am using the following commands:

nasm -f elf64 hello.asm -o hello.o    successfull
ld -o hello.o hello -m elf_x86_64     successfull


error: Cannot execute binary file exec format error


I am executing this in a 64 bit Ubuntu Virtual Machine.I appreciate your help!



建议您的系统无法理解您要运行的可执行文件.在我的评论中,我要求您运行uname -a,以便我可以找到您的虚拟机中正在运行的系统类型.您给出的输出为:

Suggests your system can't understand the executable you are trying to run. In my comments I asked you to run uname -a so that I can find out what type of system you are running in your virtual machine. You gave the output as:

Linux dell 3.16.0-50-generic #67~14.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Fri...i686 i686 i686 GNU/LINUX


The i686 tells us this is a 32-bit version of Ubuntu, not 64-bit. Had the output included x86_64 then you would be on a 64-bit Ubuntu.

32位操作系统无法直接运行64位应用程序.如果需要生成和运行64位代码,则需要安装64位Ubuntu OS.

A 32-Bit OS can't directly run 64-bit applications. If you need to generate and run 64-bit code you will need to install a 64-bit Ubuntu OS.

可以使用 multilib 支持将64位Ubuntu系统配置为允许开发32和64位代码.如果使用C/C ++(或仅 C 库)构建软件,则在Ubuntu上安装以下软件包可能会很有用:

A 64-bit Ubuntu system can be configured to allow development of 32 and 64-bit code by using multilib support. If building software with C/C++ (or just the C libraries) it might be useful to install these packages on Ubuntu:

sudo apt-get install gcc-multilib g++-multilib


Assuming you do install a 64-bit OS, the command you use to link your executable appears incorrect. You have:

nasm -f elf64 hello.asm -o hello.o
ld -o hello.o hello -m elf_x86_64

NASM 命令看起来还不错.它将hello.asm组装为一个名为hello.o的64位目标文件.通知 LD 命令从名为hello的文件生成名为hello.o的64位输出文件.这些命令应该看起来像:

The NASM command looks okay. That assembles hello.asm to a 64-bit object file called hello.o . The LD command is being told to generate a 64-bit output file called hello.o from a file called hello. The commands should have looked like:

nasm -f elf64 hello.asm -o hello.o
ld -o hello hello.o -m elf_x86_64

请注意,我们现在要使用-o hello,因为我们要从名为hello.o的对象文件中输出名为hello的可执行文件.

Notice that we now use -o hello as we want to output an executable called hello from an object file called hello.o.


07-22 16:01