Assuming a series of points in 2d space that do not self-intersect, what is an efficient method of determining the area of the resulting polygon?
As a side note, this is not homework and I am not looking for code. I am looking for a description I can use to implement my own method. I have my ideas about pulling a sequence of triangles from the list of points, but I know there are a bunch of edge cases regarding convex and concave polygons that I probably won't catch.
这里是 标准方法,AFAIK.基本上对每个顶点周围的叉积求和.比三角剖分简单得多.
Here is the standard method, AFAIK. Basically sum the cross products around each vertex. Much simpler than triangulation.
Python 代码,给定一个多边形,表示为 (x,y) 顶点坐标列表,从最后一个顶点到第一个隐式环绕:
Python code, given a polygon represented as a list of (x,y) vertex coordinates, implicitly wrapping around from the last vertex to the first:
def area(p):
return 0.5 * abs(sum(x0*y1 - x1*y0
for ((x0, y0), (x1, y1)) in segments(p)))
def segments(p):
return zip(p, p[1:] + [p[0]])
David Lehavi 评论:值得一提的是为什么这个算法有效:它是 的应用函数-y 和x 的格林定理;与平面计的工作方式完全一样.更具体地说:
David Lehavi comments: It is worth mentioning why this algorithm works: It is an application of Green's theorem for the functions −y and x; exactly in the way a planimeter works. More specifically:
上面的公式=integral_over_perimeter(-y dx + x dy) =
integral_over_area((-(-dy)/dy+dx/dx) dy dx) =