本文介绍了Swift 4:无法显示多个标记的Google Map的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I'm developing an app that have a multiple location/marker.


let states = [
    State(name: "Zoo 1", long: 2.276537, lat: 102.2989),
    State(name: "Zoo 2", long: 2.2772141, lat: 102.2984333),
    // the other 51 states here...


and try a looping but the marker did not display

for state in states {
        let state_marker = GMSMarker()
        state_marker.position = CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: state.lat, longitude: state.long)
        state_marker.title = state.name
        state_marker.snippet = "Hey, this is \(state.name)"
        state_marker.map = mapView


when i do like below, it is working. but i know it's not a better way

let state_marker = GMSMarker()
    state_marker.position = CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: 2.276622, longitude: 102.2989)
    state_marker.title = "Zoo 1"
    state_marker.snippet = "Hey, this is Zoo 1"
    state_marker.map = mapView

    let state_marker1 = GMSMarker()
    state_marker1.position = CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: 2.2772141, longitude: 102.2984333)
    state_marker1.title = "Zoo 2"
    state_marker1.snippet = "Hey, this is Zoo 2"
    state_marker1.map = mapView


Does anyone know what is wrong in my code?



You swapped the lat and Lon in first try , it works in second as longitude is 102.2989 , but in first you swapped them

 for state in states {
    let state_marker = GMSMarker()
    state_marker.position = CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: state.lat, longitude: state.long)
    state_marker.title = state.name
    state_marker.snippet = "Hey, this is \(state.name)"
    state_marker.map = mapView


let states = [
    State(name: "Zoo 1", long:102.2989 , lat:  2.276537),
    State(name: "Zoo 2", long:102.2984333 , lat:  2.2772141),
    // the other 51 states here...


Latitude measurements range from 0° to (+/–)90°. Longitude measures how far east or west of the prime meridian a place is located. The prime meridian runs through Greenwich, England. Longitude measurements range from 0° to (+/–)180°

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09-03 06:21