So I've been working on this bug for about a week now, and for the life of me I can't figure out what's happening.
Due to confidentiality issues I can't post too much code, but I'll do my best to explain everything.
What's happening is that we're populating a UITextField via code, and initially have the text greyed out. The user then can do one of two things:
1)点击一个显示commit的按钮,调用一个方法,执行以下方法,我们将调用 commitData。它执行以下操作:
1) Tap a button which says "commit" and a method is called which does the following method we'll call "commitData". It does the following:
- 使用撤消管理器注册提交
- 从灰色更改文本黑色
- 向我们的应用程序注册文本字段已更新,需要在申请结束时保存
2) Tap on the text field with the greyed out text, which then calls the following default apple method textViewShouldBeginEditing. From here we call our "commitData" method listed from option 1 like so:
-(BOOL)textViewShouldBeginEditing:(UITextView *)textView
if ([[self box] hasGreyedOutText])
[[self box] commitData];
[self setActiveTextView:textView];
return YES;
The issue we're having is that tapping the button to commit the greyed out text works perfectly fine, and we run into no issues.
When we tap into the text field and trigger the textViewShouldBeginEditing method, our iPads can freeze up and make the user wait for a couple of minutes before finishing. When I mean freeze, I mean the entire iPad freezes. The iPad clock won't even update while this is happening.
When this happens, we get an error code in the console which says:
!!! _NSLayoutTreeLineFragmentRectForGlyphAtIndex invalid glyph index 2147483647
我们可以获取上面的错误代码,以便在关注时显示在我们所有的硬件上上面的步骤,但只能在iPad 2上重现冻结(但准确率为100%)。
We can get the error code above to display from all of our hardware when following the steps above, but can only reproduce the freezing on an iPad 2(with 100% accuracy however).
- 关于此的说明,我的同事通过诊断发现,当发生此错误时,我们只有大约8MB的可用RAM。我们只在iPad 2上打过这么小的RAM,所以这可能只是巧合。
I have a feeling that this could be related to threading and that we might need to somehow call our method after returning YES from the textViewShouldBeginEditing method, but I'm not quite sure how I should be going about that.
If anybody has any ideas on how to fix this, or even ideas that could point me in the right direction, I would be incredibly grateful. I've looked everywhere I can possibly think of, and none of the solutions I've found relating to the error code have ended up working.
I can't debug, so in my guess it may caused by non-main thread UI operation. So, my suggestion is to make sure your UI code is in mainThread. Try this:
-(BOOL)textViewShouldBeginEditing:(UITextView *)textView
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
if ([[self box] hasGreyedOutText])
[[self box] commitData];
[self setActiveTextView:textView];
return YES;
这篇关于UITextView冻结了来自textViewShouldBeginEditing的iPad应用程序。 (无效的字形索引)的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!