本文介绍了使用当前lat / long / alt +在x,y,z上移动来计算对象的lat / long / alt值的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我认为在Google上搜索时会得到很多结果,但事实证明,在大多数情况下,就像此处的stackoverflow一样,问题非常具体,包括Google Maps,一些GIS或带有椭圆形。

I thought there would be plenty of results when searching for this on Google, but it turns out that in most cases, just like here on stackoverflow, the questions are very specific and include Google Maps, some GIS or the real world with elliptical shape.


  • 我有一个具有lat,long和alt值的对象,其中lat和long是以度为单位的浮点数,而alt是以十进制值表示的浮点数,代表与球体中心的距离。因此没有分钟(10°30'为10,5)。

  • 对象在x,y和z的所有3个轴上移动相对于其当前位置

  • 需要计算新的纬度,经度和alt值

  • I have an object with lat, long and alt values, where lat and long are floats in degrees and alt is a float as decimal value and representing the distance from the center of the sphere. So there are no minutes (10°30' is 10,5).
  • The object moves on all 3 axes x, y and z, where the movement is relative to its current position
  • I need to calculate new lat, long and alt values


Without thinking about it a lot, I first implemented it like this:


Just added z movement to alt, then calculated the virtual sphere's circumference to get the degree per unit (meter). With that I calculated the new lat first, and new long afterwards. I knew calculating one value after another is wrong, but as long as all the calculations in my "object world" would be done the same way, the overall behaviour would be ok. I put some thought into things like when the object goes around the entire sphere the long value doesn't change, and that going half around the sphere is different on x axis than on y axis (x axis: -180 to 180, y-axis -90 to 90) and things like that and it worked.


But then I realized that I didn't take into account that I calculated the degree per meter on the equator and didn't take other latitude values into account. At that point I knew things were more complicated and I started searching the web. But I didn't find an algorithm that would fit my needs. Now I'm sure this has been done before a lot of times, so I'm asking here in case someone has dealt with this topic before and can point me to a nice implementation :) .


  • 将经纬度转换为墨卡托投影的算法

  • 用于计算与两个纬度/经度值对之间的距离的Haversine公式

  • 其他用于其他目的的公式




But I think I didn't fully understand it yet.

  • 弧度的方向是什么? (关于我有x和y运动)

  • 外推方法是否不考虑海拔高度/地球半径?



(Sidenote: I'm implementing this in Erlang, but that doesn't matter, any kind of algorithm would help)



I implemented the function mentioned above and the one from the answer below. When testing I got wrong values, maybe because I made mistakes in the implementation or calculated wrong testing data. Let's see:


% My own implementation that only works on the equator so far. Simple calculations as mentioned above.


Tests (on equator) ok.


% @doc calculates new lat+long+alt values for old values + movement vector
% https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5857523/calculate-latitude-and-longitude-having-meters-distance-from-another-latitude-lo
calc_position2(LastCurrLat, LastCurrLong, LastCurrAlt, MoveX, MoveY, MoveZ) ->
    % first the new altitude
    NewCurrAlt = LastCurrAlt + MoveZ,

    % original algorithm: http://williams.best.vwh.net/avform.htm#LL
    % lat=asin(sin(lat1)*cos(d)+cos(lat1)*sin(d)*cos(tc))
    % dlon=atan2(sin(tc)*sin(d)*cos(lat1),cos(d)-sin(lat1)*sin(lat))
    % lon=mod(lon1+dlon +pi,2*pi)-pi
    % where:
    % lat1, lon1    - start point in radians
    % d             - distance in radians
    % tc            - course in radians

    % -> for the found implementation to work some value conversions are needed
    CourseDeg = calc_course(MoveX, MoveY),
    CourseRad = deg_to_rad(CourseDeg), % todo: cleanup: in course the calculated values are rad anyway, converting to deg is just an extra calculation
    Distance = calc_distance(MoveX, MoveY),
    DistanceDeg = calc_degrees_per_meter_at_equator(NewCurrAlt) * Distance,
    DistanceRad = deg_to_rad(DistanceDeg),
    Lat1Rad = deg_to_rad(LastCurrLat),
    Lon1Rad = deg_to_rad(LastCurrLong),

    LatRad = math:asin(math:sin(Lat1Rad) * math:cos(DistanceRad) + math:cos(Lat1Rad) * math:sin(DistanceRad) * math:cos(CourseRad)),
    Dlon = math:atan2(math:sin(CourseRad) * math:sin(DistanceRad) * math:cos(Lat1Rad), math:cos(DistanceRad) - math:sin(Lat1Rad) * math:sin(LatRad)),
    LonRad = remainder((Lon1Rad + Dlon + math:pi()), (2 * math:pi())) - math:pi(),

    NewCurrLat = rad_to_deg(LatRad),
    NewCurrLong = rad_to_deg(LonRad),

    {NewCurrLat, NewCurrLong, NewCurrAlt}.

% some trigonometry
% returns angle between adjacent and hypotenuse, with MoveX as adjacent and MoveY as opposite
calc_course(MoveX, MoveY) ->
    case MoveX > 0 of
        true ->
            case MoveY > 0 of
                true ->
                    % tan(alpha) = opposite / adjacent
                    % arc tan to get the alpha
                    % erlang returns radians -> convert to degrees
                    Deg = rad_to_deg(math:atan(MoveY / MoveX));
                false ->
                    Temp = 360 - rad_to_deg(math:atan((MoveY * -1) / MoveX)),
                    case Temp == 360 of
                        true ->
                            Deg = 0.0;
                        false ->
                            Deg = Temp
        false ->
            % attention! MoveX not > 0 -> can be 0 -> div by zero
            case MoveX == 0 of
                true ->
                    case MoveY > 0 of
                        true ->
                            Deg = 90.0;
                        false ->
                            case MoveY == 0 of
                                true ->
                                    Deg = 0.0;
                                false ->
                                    Deg = 270.0
                false -> % MoveX < 0
                    case MoveY > 0 of
                        true ->
                            Deg = 180 - rad_to_deg(math:atan(MoveY / (MoveX * -1)));
                        false ->
                            Deg = 180 + rad_to_deg(math:atan((MoveY * -1) / (MoveX * -1)))

rad_to_deg(X) ->
    X * 180 / math:pi().
deg_to_rad(X) ->
    X * math:pi() / 180.

% distance = hypetenuse in Pythagorean theorem
calc_distance(MoveX, MoveY) ->
    math:sqrt(math:pow(MoveX,2) + math:pow(MoveY,2)).

calc_degrees_per_meter_at_equator(Alt) ->
    Circumference = 2 * math:pi() * Alt,
    360 / Circumference.

% erlang rem only operates with integers
% https://stackoverflow.com/questions/9297424/stdremainder-in-erlang
remainder(A, B) ->
    A_div_B = A / B,
    N = round(A_div_B),

    case (abs(N - A_div_B) == 0.5) of
    true ->
        A_div_B_Trunc = trunc(A_div_B),

        New_N = case ((abs(A_div_B_Trunc) rem 2) == 0) of
        true -> A_div_B_Trunc;
        false ->
            case (A_div_B >= 0) of
            true -> A_div_B_Trunc + 1;
            false -> A_div_B_Trunc - 1
        A - New_N * B;
    false ->
        A - N * B

对象位于 lat / lon / alt ( 10°,10°,6371000m)。无运动(0m,0m,0m)。预期:

Tests:Object at lat/lon/alt (10°,10°,6371000m). No movement (0m,0m,0m). Expected:




比预期的少360度。 ..

360 degree less than expected...


Object at (0°,10°,6371000m), moving (10m,0m,0m). Expected:



Not sure if some digits are just not being displayed. Should be something like 10.000089932160591 as longitude. Anyway - returns:



Same wrong longitude value although we're moving now? And a changed latitude value although we didn't move on Y-Axis?


What about same position, now moving 5,000,000m east?

{0.000000e+000,5.496608e+001,6.371000e+006} % expected
{4.496608e+001,-3.500000e+002,6.371000e+006} % returned


calc_position3(LastCurrLat, LastCurrLong, LastCurrAlt, MoveX, MoveY, MoveZ) ->
    {CurrX, CurrY, CurrZ} = spherical_to_cartesian(LastCurrLat, LastCurrLong, LastCurrAlt),
    NewX = CurrX + MoveX,
    NewY = CurrY + MoveY,
    NewZ = CurrZ + MoveZ,
    {NewCurrLat, NewCurrLong, NewCurrAlt} = cartesian_to_spherical(NewX, NewY, NewZ),
    {NewCurrLat, NewCurrLong, NewCurrAlt}.

spherical_to_cartesian(Lat, Lon, Alt) ->
    X = Alt * math:cos(Lat) * math:cos(Lon),
    Y = Alt * math:cos(Lat) * math:sin(Lon),
    Z = Alt * math:sin(Lat),
    {X, Y, Z}.

cartesian_to_spherical(X, Y, Z) ->
    R = math:sqrt(math:pow(X,2) + math:pow(Y,2)),
    Alt = math:sqrt(math:pow(X,2) + math:pow(Y,2) + math:pow(Z,2)),
    Lat = math:asin(Z / Alt),
    case R > 0 of
        true ->
            Lon = math:acos(X / R);
        false -> % actually: if R == 0, but it can never be negative (see above)
            Lon = 0
    {Lat, Lon, Alt}.



Object at (10°,10°,6371000m), no movement

{1.000000e+001,1.000000e+001,6.371000e+006} % expected
{-5.752220e-001,5.752220e-001,6.371000e+006} % returned


At (0°,10°,6371000m), moving (10m,0m,0m)

{0.000000e+000,1.000009e+001,6.371000e+006} % expected
{0.000000e+000,2.566370e+000,6.370992e+006} % returned


At (0°,10°,6371000m), moving (5000000m,0m,0m)

{0.000000e+000,5.496608e+001,6.371000e+006} % expected
{0.000000e+000,1.670216e+000,3.483159e+006} % returned


So: Did I miss some rad to deg conversions or something similar?


P.S.: Sorry for the bad syntax highlighting, but Erlang doesn't seem to be available, so I took Shellscript. Makes it a bit more readable.



From your answers to the comments I finally have enough information:


You have given a position of an object in geographical latitude, longitude (something equal or similar to WGS84 lat /long) and altitude value. Where altitude is measured from center of earth.

latitude : [-90 , 90] geographical latitude in decimal degrees, 90° is Northpole<br>
longitude: [-180, 180] longitude in decimal degrees, 0° is Greenwhich
altitude: [0 , INF ] in meters from center of earth.


So these coords are defined as Spherical coordinates, but beware of clockwise vs. counter clockwise (see later)

您还给出了以米为单位的运动矢量(dx,dy,dz),该运动矢量定义了从当前位置开始的相对运动。 >这些矢量被定义为笛卡尔矢量。

Further you have given a movement vector (dx,dy,dz) measured in meters which defines the relative movement from current position.
These vector is defined as cartesian vector.


Your application is neither for navigation, nor flight controll, its more in the area of games.

要进行计算,您必须知道x,y,z Achsis与哪里相关。您应该使用使用的Axis对齐方式。

For the calculation you must know where the x,y,z Achsis are related. You should use the same Axis alignment that ECEF uses.




You first must know that geographical degrees are not mathematical degrees: Sometimes its is important to know that in mathematics degrees are counter clockwise, where in geography they are clockwise measured.
After that your coords must be converted to radians.

转换笛卡尔坐标系的球坐标。 (从球形到笛卡尔的转换:请参见)

Convert the Spherical Coordinates to cartesian space. (Spherical to cartesian transformation: see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spherical_coordinate_system)But use Math.atan2() not atan().

检查Ted Hopp的答案中是否也使用了这种转换。

(You might check your code with http://www.random-science-tools.com/maths/coordinate-converter.htm)Check if this conversion is used in the answer of Ted Hopp, too.

转换后,您在x,y,z直角坐标系中的坐标为unit = 1m。

After the transformation you have a coordinate in an cartesian x,y,z space with unit = 1m.


Next is the cartesian movement vector: Be sure, or convert it, such that you have the correct axis alignment, that dx corresponds to your x, -dx to -x, and for y,dy, z,dz, too.


p2.x = p.x + dx;
p2.y = p.y + dy;
p2.z = p.z + dz;

然后重新转换回球形坐标,如Wiki链接或Ted Hopp所示。

Then reconvert back to spherical coordinates, as shown in the Wiki link or by Ted Hopp.


The other link (to stackoverflow) that you have given in your comments do other types of conversion, they will not work for your problem.

我推荐一个特殊的测试用例:将球形点设置为经度= 179.9999999,然后添加100m,结果应为-180.0000xx +逗号后的值(两个喷气式战斗机在越过基准极限时因该问题而坠毁)

I recomend one special test case: set a spherical point to longitude = 179.9999999 then add 100m, the result should be -180.0000xx + something after the comma (Two jet fighters crashed for this problem when traversing the Datum limit)

这篇关于使用当前lat / long / alt +在x,y,z上移动来计算对象的lat / long / alt值的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-22 15:02