在 macOS 上,SwiftUI 菜单按钮最初显示为禁用.单击它们后,它们会正常激活并正确显示.此代码复制了问题:
On macOS, SwiftUI Menu buttons appear initially disabled. Once you click on them, they activate as normal and display properly. This code replicates the problem:
Menu {
Button("First") { }
Button("Second") { }
} label: {
Image(systemName: "gearshape.fill")
- 预览显示正确,但正在运行的应用表现如上
- 菜单内容似乎不影响结果
- 尝试使用
- Preview shows correctly, but a running app behaves as above
- The contents of the menu don't seem to affect the result
- Tried explicitly mucking with disabled state using
; no joy since it isn't really disabled
I could just set the foreground color of the image, but I was hoping to figure out the real problem. Am I missing something?
Setting the foreground doesn't work either. Still visibly disabled.
这个错误(归档为 FB8976414)从 macOS 11.3 开始仍然存在.不过,我从 @kontiki 那里得到了一些解决方法的帮助.如果将 Button
与 Menu
一起包含,它会正确显示启用.不要问我为什么.您可以将 Button
This bug (filed as FB8976414) remains as of macOS 11.3. I got some help from @kontiki on a workaround, though. If you include a Button
along with the Menu
, it displays properly enabled. Don't ask me why. You can make the Button
zero-sized so it doesn't affect your layout and just remove it when (if?) the bug gets fixed.
-- 更新 --
从 macOS 11.4 开始,此技术不再有效.Menu
As of macOS 11.4, this technique no longer works. The Menu
always displays as disabled until it's clicked. I guess if you look on the bright side, at least it's more consistent!
-- --
HStack(spacing: 0) {
Menu {
Button("First") { }
Button("Second") { }
} label: {
Image(systemName: "gearshape.fill")
Button("", action: {}).scaleEffect(x: 0, y: 0)
这篇关于SwiftUI 菜单按钮最初显示为禁用的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!