本文介绍了Matlab del2与Matlab梯度梯度之间的差异的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



can anyone explain why I get such dramatically different results for the Laplace operator in Matlab when I use

laplacian = del2(image);

[x, y] = gradient(image);
[xx, xy] = gradient(x);
[yx, yy] = gradient(y);
laplacian = xx + yy;


Shouldn't these come to the same thing? They get particularly divergent when one includes a dx term.


Putting my example up here in case it helps: I have a test field consisting of

 [5; 2.5+2.5i; 5i; -2.5+2.5i; -5; -2.5-2.5i; -5i; 2.5-2.5i]


times its transpose (I can post the whole matrix if it helps). The inner block (3:6, 3:6) of the del2() of this field is:

[-2.5           -0.625-0.625i  -2.5i           0.625-0.625i ;
 -0.625+0.625i   0             -0.625+0.625i   0            ;
  2.5i          -0.625+0.625i  -2.5           -0.625+0.625i ;
  0.625+0.625i   0             -0.625+0.625i   0            ]

内部区块( xx + yy的3:6,3:6是:

while the inner block (3:6, 3:6) of the xx + yy is:

[-5             -2.5-2.5i      -5i            -2.5-2.5i     ;
 -2.5+2.5i      -2.5           -2.5-2.5i      -2.5i         ;
  5i            -2.5+2.5i      -5             -2.5-2.5i     ;
  2.5+2.5i       2.5i          -2.5+2.5i      -2.5          ]


which as you can see will make a dramatic difference in any further equations. Might anyone have an explanation, thanks very much!


如果你仔细观察Matlab的文档,那么f的laplacian( x,y),del2(f(x,y))仅使用(x,y)及其最近邻居计算:x + 1,x-1,y + 1,y-1。

If you look closely at Matlab's documentation, the the laplacian of f at (x,y), del2(f(x,y)) is computed using only (x,y) and its nearest neighbours: x+1, x-1, y+1, y-1.

渐变函数(以及明确使用渐变函数的发散)也是如此。计算梯度两次涉及最近邻居的最近邻居。因此div(grad(f(x,y))实际上是使用(x,y)和x + 2,x-2,y + 2,y-2计算的。因此差异。

The same goes for the gradient function (and the divergence, which explicitly uses the gradient function). Computing the gradient twice involves the nearest neighbours of the nearest neighbours. Therefore div(grad(f(x,y)) is actually computed using (x,y) and x+2, x-2, y+2, y-2. Hence the difference.


The greater the grid spacing, the greater the discrepancy between these two calculations will be.

这篇关于Matlab del2与Matlab梯度梯度之间的差异的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-01 16:45