


In Swift, is there a way to truncate a float to 2 decimals, such that you can perform further calculations with it? All of the threads I've seen deal with casting to a string, which I can't figure out how to then use mathematically.


I tried using an extension (found on this forum), figuring I could cast back to float after the truncation, but I end up where I started, with another, non-truncated float. I need my return value to be in quarter steps (i.e. 6.50, 6.75, 5.25, etc), and what I'm ending up with, are results like 6.990022....


There has to be a simple way to do this, but I'm hitting a wall. Thanks in advance...


func roundToNearestQuarter(#power : Float) -> String {

     var errorToLowerQuarterRaw : Float = power % 0.25  // 0.210000038146973

     var errorToLowerQuarterString = errorToLowerQuarterStepRaw.string(2)  // "0.21"

     var errorToLowerQuarter = NSString(string: errorToLowerQuaterStepString).floatValue  // 0.209999993443489

// more code




不能FloatDouble精确舍入到2个十进制数字 .原因是这些数据类型使用二进制浮点表示形式,并且不能精确表示0.1或0.01之类的数字.例如参见

You cannot round a Float or Double to 2 decimal digits exactly.The reason is that these data types use a binary floating point representation,and cannot represent numbers like 0.1 or 0.01 exactly.See for example

  • Why Are Floating Point Numbers Inaccurate?
  • What Every Computer Scientist Should Know About Floating-Point Arithmetic


以及完全可能,因为0.25 = 2 可以精确地表示为浮点数.

and that is exactly possible because 0.25 = 2 can be represented exactly as a floating point number.


The round() function rounds a floating point number to the nearest integral value.To round to the nearest quarter, you just have to "scale" the calculation with the factor 4:

func roundToNearestQuarter(num : Float) -> Float {
    return round(num * 4.0)/4.0

roundToNearestQuarter(6.71) // 6.75
roundToNearestQuarter(6.6)  // 6.5


08-22 16:55