我正在尝试在iOS上找到处理OpenGL ES2中多纹理的最有效方法。 高效我的意思是即使在较旧的iOS设备(iPhone 4及更高版本)上也能实现最快的渲染效果 - 而且还可以平衡便利性。
方法1 - 我的基数和正常值是rgb,没有ALPHA。对于这些物体,我不需要透明度。我的发射和镜面反射信息都只是一个通道。为了减少 texture2D()
到目前为止,我的问题是找到一个支持完整的非预乘alpha通道的文件格式。 PNG只是没有为我工作。我试图将此作为PNG保存的每一种方式都将.alpha与.rgb文件保存(通过photoshop)基本上摧毁了.rgb。当我重新加载文件时,任何具有0.0 alpha的像素都有黑色rgb。我发布了这个问题(谢谢)我将这些偏移移动到顶点着色器并将它们保留在片段着色器之外。
方法3 将组合方法1和2.并拥有base.rgb一边是+ emission.a,另一边是normal.rgb + specular.a。但是我仍然有这个问题获得一个独立的alpha保存在文件中。
方法4 最后,在3D世界中,如果我有20种不同的墙面板纹理,那么这些是单个文件还是全部打包在单个纹理图集中?我最近注意到,在某些时候,我的世界从地图集转移到单个纹理 - 尽管它们各自为16x16。
v_fragmentTexCoord0 = u_texOffset + a_vertexTexCoord0 * u_texScale;
这提供了很大的灵活性并减少了纹理绑定的数量。这基本上就是我现在在游戏中的表现。但是 IS IT 能够更快地访问较大纹理的一小部分,并在顶点着色器中具有上述数学运算?或者反复绑定较小的纹理是否更快?特别是如果你没有按纹理排序对象。
**** UPDATE ****
由于我在过去几天突然有2个答案,我会说这个。基本上我确实找到了答案。或 AN 回答。问题是哪种方法更有效?意味着哪种方法将产生最佳帧速率。我已经尝试了上面的各种方法,在iPhone 5上,它们的速度一样快。 iPhone5 / 5S拥有极快的GPU。重要的是iPhone4 / 4S等旧设备,或视网膜iPad等大型设备。我的测试不科学,我没有速度报告。但4 texture2D()
对4个RGBA纹理的调用实际上与4 texture2d()
这是相当简单的格式,编写加载2的命令行工具很简单png并将它们合并为一个Ktx,rgb + alpha。
- 在游戏启动时加载文件时减少了cpu开销,所以比赛开始得更快。
- 有些GPU本身不支持rgb 24bit格式,这会强制驱动程序在内部将其转换为rgba 32bit。这为加载阶段和临时内存使用增加了更多时间。
作为一项额外的改进,我建议不要在Ktx中使用原始的rgba 32位数据,而是实际将其压缩为dxt或pvrtc格式。这将使用更少的内存,这意味着更快的加载时间和更少的内存传输,因为内存带宽有限。
I'm trying to find the most efficient way of handling multi-texturing in OpenGL ES2 on iOS. By 'efficient' I mean the fastest rendering even on older iOS devices (iPhone 4 and up) - but also balancing convenience.
I've considered (and tried) several different methods. But have run into a couple of problems and questions.
Method 1 - My base and normal values are rgb with NO ALPHA. For these objects I don't need transparency. My emission and specular information are each only one channel. To reduce texture2D()
calls I figured I could store the emission as the alpha channel of the base, and the specular as the alpha of the normal. With each being in their own file it would look like this:
My problem so far has been finding a file format that will support a full non-premultiplied alpha channel. PNG just hasn't worked for me. Every way that I've tried to save this as a PNG premultiplies the .alpha with the .rgb on file save (via photoshop) basically destroying the .rgb. Any pixel with a 0.0 alpha has a black rgb when I reload the file. I posted that question here with no activity.
I know this method would yield faster renders if I could work out a way to save and load this independent 4th channel. But so far I haven't been able to and had to move on.
Method 2 - When that didn't work I moved on to a single 4-way texture where each quadrant has a different map. This doesn't reduce texture2D()
calls but it reduces the number of textures that are being accessed within the shader.
The 4-way texture does require that I modify the texture coordinates within the shader. For model flexibility I leave the texcoords as is in the model's structure and modify them in the shader like so:
v_fragmentTexCoord0 = a_vertexTexCoord0 * 0.5;
v_fragmentTexCoord1 = v_fragmentTexCoord0 + vec2(0.0, 0.5); // illumination frag is up half
v_fragmentTexCoord2 = v_fragmentTexCoord0 + vec2(0.5, 0.5); // shininess frag is up and over
v_fragmentTexCoord3 = v_fragmentTexCoord0 + vec2(0.5, 0.0); // normal frag is over half
To avoid dynamic texture lookups (Thanks Brad Larson) I moved these offsets to the vertex shader and keep them out of the fragment shader.
But my question here is: Does reducing the number of texture samplers used in a shader matter? Or would I be better off using 4 different smaller textures here?
The one problem I did have with this was bleed over between the different maps. A texcoord of 1.0 was was averaging in some of the blue normal pixels due to linear texture mapping. This added a blue edge on the object near the seam. To avoid it I had to change my UV mapping to not get too close to the edge. And that's a pain to do with very many objects.
Method 3 would be to combine methods 1 and 2. and have the base.rgb + emission.a on one side and normal.rgb + specular.a on the other. But again I still have this problem getting an independent alpha to save in a file.
Maybe I could save them as two files but combine them during loading before sending it over to openGL. I'll have to try that.
Method 4 Finally, In a 3d world if I have 20 different panel textures for walls, should these be individual files or all packed in a single texture atlas? I recently noticed that at some point minecraft moved from an atlas to individual textures - albeit they are 16x16 each.
With a single model and by modifying the texture coordinates (which I'm already doing in method 2 and 3 above), you can easily send an offset to the shader to select a particular map in an atlas:
v_fragmentTexCoord0 = u_texOffset + a_vertexTexCoord0 * u_texScale;
This offers a lot of flexibility and reduces the number of texture bindings. It's basically how I'm doing it in my game now. But IS IT faster to access a small portion of a larger texture and have the above math in the vertex shader? Or is it faster to repeatedly bind smaller textures over and over? Especially if you're not sorting objects by texture.
I know this is a lot. But the main question here is what's the most efficient method considering speed + convenience? Will method 4 be faster for multiple textures or would multiple rebinds be faster? Or is there some other way that I'm overlooking. I see all these 3d games with a lot of graphics and area coverage. How do they keep frame rates up, especially on older devices like the iphone4?
**** UPDATE ****
Since I've suddenly had 2 answers in the last few days I'll say this. Basically I did find the answer. Or AN answer. The question is which method is more efficient? Meaning which method will result in the best frame rates. I've tried the various methods above and on the iPhone 5 they're all just about as fast. The iPhone5/5S has an extremely fast gpu. Where it matters is on older devices like the iPhone4/4S, or on larger devices like a retina iPad. My tests were not scientific and I don't have ms speeds to report. But 4 texture2D()
calls to 4 RGBA textures was actually just as fast or maybe even faster than 4 texture2d()
calls to a single texture with offsets. And of course I do those offset calculations in the vertex shader and not the fragment shader (never in the fragment shader).
So maybe someday I'll do the tests and make a grid with some numbers to report. But I don't have time to do that right now and write a proper answer myself. And I can't really checkmark any other answer that isn't answering the question cause that's not how SO works.
But thanks to the people who have answered. And check out this other question of mine that also answered some of this one: Load an RGBA image from two jpegs on iOS - OpenGL ES 2.0
Have a post process step in your content pipeline where you merge your rgb with alpha texture and store it in a. Ktx file when you package the game or as a post build event when you compile.
It's fairly trivial format and would be simple to write such command-line tool that loads 2 png's and merges these into one Ktx, rgb + alpha.
Some benefits by doing that is- less cpu overhead when loading the file at game start up, so the games starts quicker.- Some GPUso does not natively support rgb 24bit format, which would force the driver to internally convert it to rgba 32bit. This adds more time to the loading stage and temporary memory usage.
Now when you got the data in a texture object, you do want to minimize texture sampling as it means alot of gpu operations and memory accesses depending on filtering mode.
I would recommend to have 2 textures with 2 layers each since there's issues if you do add all of them to the same one is potential artifacts when you sample with bilinear or mipmapped as it may include neighbour pixels close to edge where one texture layer ends and the second begins, or if you decided to have mipmaps generated.
As an extra improvement I would recommend not having raw rgba 32bit data in the Ktx, but actually compressing it into a dxt or pvrtc format. This would use much less memory which means faster loading times and less memory transfers for the gpu, as memory bandwidth is limited.Of course, adding the compressor to the post process tool is slightly more complex.Do note that compressed textures do loose a bit of the quality depending on algorithm and implementation.
这篇关于最有效的多纹理方式 - iOS,OpenGL ES2,优化的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!