



如果我使用 os.environ 更改环境变量,那么以后导入的模块会看到这个变化吗?

具体来说, sqlite3 说:

所以如果SQLite库在更改 os.environ

If I change environment variable using os.environ, do the modules I import afterwards see that change?

Specifically, sqlite3 requires the use of an environment variable to determine its temporary file location. But if I use os.environ['SQLITE_TMPDIR'] = '.' before import sqlite3, it does not have the desired effect. Why?


The sqlite3 module is just a wrapper for the SQLite C library, so it will not directly see any changes made to os.environ.

However, the documentation says:

So if the SQLite library is initialized after you've changed os.environ, it will see the changes.

Please note that SQLite reads different environment variables on Unix-y OSes and on Windows.


07-22 14:31