




If I have a single socket shared between two processes (or two threads), and in both of them I try to send a big message (bigger than the underlining protocol buffer) that blocks, is it guaranteed that both messages will be sent sequentially? Or it possible for the messages to be interleaved inside the kernel?


I am mainly interested in TCP over IP behavior, but it would be interesting to know if it varies according to socket's protocol.



You're asking that if you write() message A, then B on the same socket, is A guaranteed to arrive before B? For SOCK_STREAM (e.g. TCP) and SOCK_SEQPACKET (almost never used) sockets, the answer is an unqualified yes. For SOCK_DGRAM over the internet (i.e. UDP packets) the answer is no: packets can be reordered by the network. On a single host, a unix domain datagram socket will (on all systems I know) preserve ordering, but I don't believe that's guaranteed by any standard and I'm sure there are edge cases.


Or wait: maybe you're asking if the messages written by the two processes won't be mixed? Yes: single system calls (write/writev/sendto/sendmsg) always place their content into a file descriptor atomically. But obviously if you or your library splits that write into multiple calls, you lose that guarantee.


07-22 14:25