我要在我的开发板上启动一个 Linux,我需要一个 dts 文件(设备树文件)来描述整个硬件.但是我对这个文件的语法知之甚少,不足以在板上正常运行Linux.
I'm going to launch a Linux on my development board, and i need a dts file (device tree file) to describe the whole hardware. But I only know very little about the syntax of this file which is not enough to run Linux properly on the board.
What i know now are only how to describe a unit's interrupt number, frequency, address, parent-unit and its compatible driver type (as described below):
ps7_scuwdt_0: ps7-scuwdt@f8f00620 {
compatible = "xlnx,ps7-scuwdt-1.00.a";
device_type = "watchdog";
interrupt-parent = <&ps7_scugic_0>;
interrupts = < 1 14 769 >;
reg = < 0xf8f00620 0xe0 >;
} ;
Other advanced usage or grammar is unfamiliar to me.
查看与您的开发板最相似的板的 dts.将其用作参考,并根据参考板和开发板之间的差异对 dts 进行更改.
Take a look at the dts of the board which most closely resembles your dev-board. Use that as a reference and make changes to the dts according to the differences between the reference board and your dev-board.
- 设备树文档项目在 eLinux(有大量链接可供开始阅读).
- 关于设备树基础知识的系列文章.
- 演练迁移到设备树.
Also checkout the following :
- Device-tree Documentation project at eLinux (has a vast collection of links to start reading).
- Series of articles on the basics of device tree.
- Walkthrough of migrating to device-tree.
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