


describe, context, feature, scenario: What is the difference(s) among the four and when do I use each one?


contextdescribe 的别名,因此它们在功能上是等效的.您可以互换使用它们,唯一的区别是您的规范文件的读取方式.例如,测试输出没有区别.RSpec 书说:

The context is an alias for describe, so they are functionally equivalent. You can use them interchangeably, the only difference is how your spec file reads. There is no difference in test output for example. The RSpec book says:

我们倾向于使用 describe() 表示事物,使用 context() 表示上下文".


Personally I like to use describe, but I can see why people prefer context.

featurescenario 是 Capybara 的一部分,而不是 RSpec,旨在用于验收测试.feature相当于describe/contextscenario相当于it/.

feature and scenario are a part of Capybara, and not RSpec, and are meant to be used for acceptance tests. feature is equivalent to describe / context, and scenario equivalent to it / example.

如果您使用 Capybara 编写验收测试,请使用 feature/scenario 语法,如果不使用 describe/it 语法.

If you're writing acceptance tests with Capybara, use the feature / scenario syntax, if not use describe / it syntax.


10-16 12:10