

在使用ASP.NET的Visual Studio(2008年)工作,我有不舒服的问题:源$ C ​​$ C编辑器上下文菜单中只有项目视图设计器,但没有要快速查看标记!

While working with ASP.NET using Visual Studio (2008) I have discomfort issue: source code editor context menu has only item 'View Designer' but nothing about to view markup quickly!

要看到它,你需要打开设计,然后单击在窗口底部标记标签。或使用Shift + F7热键(默认情况下)。

To see it you need to open Designer and click Markup label in the bottom of a window. Or use Shift+F7 hot key (by default).

所以我要额外添加项目菜单中的查看标记视图设计器。我想我必须使用Visual Studio插件,如果它已经存在或由我自己写的。

So I want to add an item menu 'View Markup' in additional to 'View Designer'. I guess I have to use a Visual Studio add-in if it already exists or write it by myself.


What do you think about that? Is it possible? Or is some solution already exists?



在显示命令包含搜索 View.ToggleDesigner

Search for View.ToggleDesigner in "Show Commands Containing".


Add new shortcut to Global/Editor with F7.

这工作而无需宏VS2008 / 2010

This works without needing a macro for VS2008/2010


09-02 05:58