我正在使用 html2canvas 和 canvg 插件将角度 nvd3 图表转换为 svg,但是当我将饼图转换为 png 时,我看起来与图表相同,但是当我转换折线图或面积图时,它的背景变为黑色,一些圆圈被淹没图片.我的代码是
i am converting angular nvd3 chart to svg using html2canvas and canvg plugings but when i convert pie chart to png then i looks same as chart but when i convert line chart or area chart then its background goes to black and some circle drown on image.My code is
var svgElements = $("#container").find('svg');
//replace all svgs with a temp canvas
svgElements.each(function () {
var canvas, xml;
// canvg doesn't cope very well with em font sizes so find the calculated size in pixels and replace it in the element.
$.each($(this).find('[style*=em]'), function (index, el) {
$(this).css('font-size', getStyle(el, 'font-size'));
canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
canvas.className = "screenShotTempCanvas";
//convert SVG into a XML string
xml = (new XMLSerializer()).serializeToString(this);
// Removing the name space as IE throws an error
xml = xml.replace(/xmlns=\"http:\/\/www\.w3\.org\/2000\/svg\"/, '');
//draw the SVG onto a canvas
canvg(canvas, xml);
//hide the SVG element
////this.className = "tempHide";
$(this).attr('class', 'tempHide');
html2canvas($("#container"), {
onrendered: function (canvas) {
var a = document.createElement("a");
a.download = "Dashboard.png";
a.href = canvas.toDataURL("image/png");
var imgData = canvas.toDataURL('image/png');
var doc = new jsPDF('p', 'mm','a4');
var width = doc.internal.pageSize.width;
var height = doc.internal.pageSize.height;
doc.addImage(imgData, 'PNG', 0, 0, width, height);
您的 svg 元素由外部样式表 nv.d3.min.css 设置样式.
Your svg elements are being styled by the external stylesheet nv.d3.min.css .
canvg 似乎无法访问外部样式表,因此您需要将其直接附加到您的 svg 节点中.
canvg seems unable to access external style sheets, so you need to append it directly in your svg node.
To do so, if your style sheet is hosted on the same domain as your scripts, you can do something like :
var sheets = document.styleSheets;
var styleStr = '';
Array.prototype.forEach.call(sheets, function(sheet){
try{ // we need a try-catch block for external stylesheets that could be there...
styleStr += Array.prototype.reduce.call(sheet.cssRules, function(a, b){
return a + b.cssText; // just concatenate all our cssRules' text
}, "");
// create our svg nodes that will hold all these rules
var defs = document.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', 'defs');
var style = document.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', 'style');
style.innerHTML = styleStr;
// now append it in your svg node
thesvg[0].insertBefore(defs, thesvg[0].firstElementChild);
所以现在你可以调用 XMLSerializer,canvg 会很高兴.
So now you can call the XMLSerializer, and canvg will be happy.
分叉的 plunkr,我在那里复制了 nv.d3.min.css 的内容到同源 style.css.
Forked plunkr, where I copied the nv.d3.min.css's content to a same-origin style.css.
这篇关于将 SVG 转换为 PNG 格式的图像的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!