我要提供Toast通知用户每X分钟,我试着用服务的帮助下做到这一点,但是当应用程序被杀害,该服务停止。 会发生同样的问题,意图服务为好,我应该怎么做,才能让我保持一个线程/服务在内存中的应用程序被杀害,即使?
I want to provide the user with toast notifications every 'x' minutes, I tried to do this with the help of service, but when the application was killed, the service stops. The same issue occurs with intent Service as well, what should I be doing in order for me to keep a thread/service in memory even after the application is killed?
The terms of your question are a bit confusing :
- 应用关键在于过程。如果该进程被终止,那么一切都在运行过程中被杀死。
- 如果你想要的东西生存的过程中死亡,你应该使用第二个过程和运行的东西在里面生存。
- 在一个服务可以在它自己的进程中运行,看起来像一个不错的选择在这里。看看安卓:的http://开发商的服务标签进程属性。 android.com/guide/topics/manifest/service-element.html
But what you want to do is maybe simpler : set a repeating task. For this, you could use the alarm manager.
- 提供报警经理挂起的意图
- 悬而未决的意图会引发你自己的 的服务
- 将我们唤醒服务,然后运行。这有没有让你的服务始终运行,计时知道什么时候已经醒过来(这会耗尽电池)的优势。在这里,报警管理器将唤醒它需要的时候,你的服务将只执行它的任务和死亡。
If you combine this approach with the first part of that answer, running your service in a different process, then you can achieve something that's really light weight for the Android device : only your service (in its own process) will wake up at given interval, and the application's process will not be launched by this alarm, but only the service's process.
And about toast notifications, yes, a service is a good place to do it, but the notification bar may be more appropriate to display notifications and notify the user that some event took place inside a background service.