本文介绍了如何实现MQTT Android中的这个特殊的用例?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



My usecase: A user logged into my app, should be able to send messages to himself logged into the app on another Android device. If the user has more than one devices, then once he opens the message, the notification on other devices must disappear.


  1. 如何将数据发送到各种设备特定用户?我知道如何使用GCM消息发送到不同的用户在不同的设备,但这似乎相当混乱。

  1. How to send data to a particular user across devices? I understand how to send messages to different users on different devices using GCM but this seems rather confusing.


How to achieve this in MQTT with adequate security? I read as much as I could about the security and got to the conclusion that MQTT isn't in the charge of it and that I've to implement my own security measures at the broker level. As of now Mosquitto broker allows username/password authentication, but for an app implementing Oauth, username/password seems rather vulnerable.


Or should I move over to XMPP?


您可以使用新的 GCM的功能。

You can use the new User Notifications feature of GCM.



Third party servers can send a single message to multiple instance of an app running on devices owned by a single user. This feature is called user notifications. User notifications make it possible for every app instance that a user owns to reflect the latest messaging state. For example:

  • 如果消息已被一台设备,对其他的GCM信息处理上

  • 如果消息尚未交付给一个设备,但它已被处理,该服务器GCM从为未发送队列中删除

  • 同样,一个设备可以将消息发送到notification_key,这是令牌GCM使用扇出通知,其注册ID与钥匙相关联的所有设备。


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08-20 06:54