My code contains the following read/write methods to write data to database
- public byte [] readFile(arg1)
- public byte [] readFile(arg1,arg2)
- public InputStream readFile(arg1,arg2)
- public MyStream readFile(arg1,arg2)
- public byte [] readFile(arg1, arg2,arg3)
- public byte[]readFile(arg1)
- public byte[] readFile(arg1, arg2)
- public InputStream readFile(arg1, arg2)
- public MyStream readFile(arg1, arg2)
- public byte[] readFile(arg1, arg2, arg3)
- public String [] writeFile(arg1)
- public String [] writeFile(arg1,arg2)
- public MyStream writeFile(arg1,arg2) - >文件是从这个输出的流写的。
- public String [] writeFile(arg1,arg2,arg3)
- public String[] writeFile(arg1)
- public String[] writeFile(arg1, arg2)
- public MyStream writeFile(arg1, arg2) -> file is written from this outputted stream
- public String[] writeFile(arg1, arg2, arg3)
Various classed access these methods for read and write purpose. Kindly provide me a better way to organize this in a better way.
I would like to have a centralized part where all my read/write would happen.
Someone please help me to choosing an appropriate pattern to organize this well.
interface DatabaseServices {
... listing all the methods that you want to "combine"
class DatabaseServicesImpl implements DatabaseServices {
... implementing all those methods
enum DatabaseServicesProvider implements DatabaseServices {
private final DatabaseServices impl = new DatabaseServicesImpl(...
... forwarding all service calls to the impl object
The above has the advantage that it is "fully" unit-testable (if you just create an enum and put methods on it; you break your ability to test clients that are using the enum).
From there, you go into your existing source code, and throw away all your methods that currently access your data base; replacing them with calls like
DatabaseServices services = DatabaseServicesProvider.INSTANCE;
Where: the "enum part" is somehow optional. But very often you find that you want such DB related services to be a central authority thing (in other words: a singleton). And enums simply provide a nice, clean solution to that "global" aspect. If you don't need a central instance (which would be actually a better thing anyway), just forget about that part.