本文介绍了使用Spring Web MVC解耦后备存储的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



This is a design pattern question, so I'll illustrate it with a simple example of an address book app.

首先有一些假设.1.直接使用DB域对象作为Spring MVC表单的后备存储似乎是可以接受的.

Firstly a few assumptions.1. It appears to be acceptable to directly use DB domain objects as the backing store for Spring MVC forms.


Iteration 1 of my app I created a JPA mapped Person object with various attributes attached. Using the DAO pattern I created a persistence object which can getAll, store and delete people from the database. In addition I have a factory method, create, so I can get a person object. Using this DAO object I create a simple web front end. All is good.


In iteration 2 I need to support multiple storage types, so I create an interface for person, which has multiple implementations, and an interface for the DAO persistence, again with multiple implementations. Also, person was extended to be able to have multiple addresses.

interface IPerson {
    public String getName();
    public List<IAddress> getAddresses();


But, when it comes to updating the web interface to be able to deal with these multiple implementations I have an issue. The persistence implementation is injected by Spring. And, because that persistence object has a factory method I am all good for creating the IPerson implementation. But, if I want to do something fancy like allow multiple addresses be submitted as part of the one request then I have an issue. To allow this to work with Spring you seem to need to use an AutoPopulatingList, so spring can just .get(#) the record an copy the attributes in.


So, one solution to making this work is to require all persistence implementations use an autopopulating list, and create the correct implementation for all child classes. Is this appropriate, given that we'd need to apply this @PostLoad with JPA as the base lists get replaced by Hibernate.

另一种选择是不对传递给持久性实现的实现进行任何假设,并将对象转换/复制为适当的类型.这样看起来更好,因为然后将Domain对象保持简单,并且所有存储复杂性都在DAO中.在这种情况下,我们将使用IPerson和IAddress接口的Default *实现.

The alternative is to not make any assumptions about the implementation passed into the persistence implementation and convert/copy the objects across to the appropriate type. This looks better, as then the Domain object are kept simple, and all the storage complexity is in the DAO. In this case we'd use a Default* implementation of the IPerson and IAddress interfaces.


Even though I like the second option better, I am not necessarily comfortable with this situation. Can anyone offer any insights or advice?



It is really nasty to have multiple sets of classes that embody the same business data just with different tweakage. Really nasty as in if I had to choose between something like ditching one of your ways of persisting, like JAXB, and having the multiple implentations, I would rather ditch the technology and find a better way to do it, because having all that mindless code is a major pain.

Alan Perlis说:在一个数据结构上运行100个函数比在10个数据结构上运行10个函数要好.您尤其要避免大量重复的数据结构.维护冗余代码库很无聊.

Alan Perlis said, "It is better to have 100 functions operate on one data structure than 10 functions on 10 data structures." You especially want to avoid data structures that largely duplicate each other. Maintaining a redundant code base is no fun.

我建议您查看域驱动设计.这个想法是您拥有对对象的存储方式一无所知的域对象(这被称为持久性无知").这样,您的域对象可以是POJO,通常不需要在其上放置接口,因为除其他域对象外,它们与应用程序中的任何内容均无关. (可能在某些情况下有用,但不是正常情况.)您可以将业务逻辑(有关域对象如何与其他域对象相关的信息)放入域对象中,而不必担心如何对其进行测试.因为与数据库没有关系.而且,域对象可以在整个应用程序中自由传递,因为它们在特定层上没有任何依赖关系.在依赖关系方面,域层负责应用程序的所有其他部分,但与它们无关.

I suggest you check out Domain-Driven Design. The idea is you have domain objects that do not have any knowledge of how they are stored (this is called Persistence Ignorance). That way your domain objects can be POJOs, you usually don't need to put interfaces on them because they have no dependencies on anything in your application except for other domain objects. (There might be edge cases where it becomes useful but it would not be the normal case.) You can put your business logic (information about how your domain object relates to other domain objects) in the domain object without worrying about how to test it because there's no tie to the database. Also the domain objects can be passed around freely throughout your application because they don't have any dependencies on a specific layer. In terms of dependencies the domain layer is responsible to all the other parts of the app, but independent of them.


The upshot of all this is that domain logic and technical details of how objects are stored become separate concerns so each can be tested separately. Also you have a central data structure that holds all the business data in only one place so you don't have multiple changes to make when something changes.

有关域驱动设计的免费书籍,可从 http://www.infoq.com .

There is a free web book available on Domain-Driven Design from http://www.infoq.com.

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07-29 13:48