

我看着将Facebook API提供的名称分成两行,并希望根据该人的原籍国正确显示。因此,

I looking at splitting the name supplied by the Facebook API across two lines and I want this to display correctly depending of the country of origin of the person. So the western standard of

Given Name
Family Name


Family Name
Given Name

维基/姓氏#Order_of_namesrel =nofollow>名称应该相反

in countries where the names should be reversed


Facebook supply a number of name fields

  1. 名称 - 该人的全名

  2. name_format - 该人的姓名

  3. first_name - 该人的名字

  4. last_name - 该人的姓氏。

  1. name - The person's full name
  2. name_format - The person's name formatted to correctly handle Chinese, Japanese, Korean ordering.
  3. first_name - The person's first name
  4. last_name - The person's last name.

我假定名称总是[给定名称] [家庭名称](也可能包括中间名?)

I assume name is always [Given Name] [Family Name] (may also include middle name?)

name_format 听起来像是正确显示顺序的名称

name_format sounds like it'll be the name in the correct display order

我不确定 first_name last_name 是显示顺序的指标,还是 first_name = [给定名称]和 last_name = [姓氏],如美国假定的那样?

I'm not sure if first_name and last_name is the indicator of display order, or is first_name = [given name] and last_name = [family name] as would be assumed in the US?


The real question is how can I split the Facebook display name into given name and family name and then ensure I'm displaying them in the correct order.


p>经过一些更多的研究,结果是 name_format 不返回:

After some more research it turns out the name_format does not return:


As detailed on the API, but something more akin to what the name would suggest, which is the formatting for the name. In my instance the return from the API call is as follows.

  "name": "Will Calderwood",
  "name_format": "{first} {last}"


  "name": "Calderwood Will",
  "name_format": "{last} {first}"

所以 name_format 可以用来分解命名并以正确的顺序显示。

So the name_format can be used to break up the name and display it in the correct order.


09-05 17:03