




树在运行时永远不会被更改。由于这是针对嵌入式(Microchip Pic32)项目,因此RAM是一个问题。所以我想把整个东西存储在代码存储器中。通常是const所有内容。


Hello forum,

is it possible to create a tree data structure in pure C?
This is not about a binary tree but every node shall have 0-n children.

The tree shall never be changed at runtime. Since this is for an embedded (Microchip Pic32) project, RAM is an issue. So I'd like to store the whole thing in code memory. Usually that's given for everything "const".

This is what I tried:

/* Header */
typedef struct TreeNode TreeNode;

/* Source */
struct TreeNode{
    int id;
    char* text;
    TreeNode* children[]; // List of child nodes

void DoSth(void)
    static const TreeNode tree = {
        0, "hidden", (TreeNode[3]){
            (TreeNode){1, "child", NULL},           // (1)
            (TreeNode){2, "secondChild", NULL},     // (1)
            (TreeNode){3, "thirdChild", NULL}       // (1)
    };                                              // (2)

    // Code that's actually using the data

我确信在结构定义中, children 必须通过指针引用,因为 TreeNode 本身尚未完全定义。


I know for sure that within the struct definition, children has to be referred to by pointers since TreeNode itself is not fully defined at that time.

But Compiler complains (numbering by me)

(1) non-static initialization of a flexible array member
(2) initializer element is not constant



(1) How should that not be static? Everything is given for the initialization.

(2) Same question as (1). Why is that not constant? And this is especially important given the embedded low RAM environment.


typedef struct _TreeNode{
    int id;
    char* text;
    struct _TreeNode* children[1]; // List of child nodes
} TreeNode;

static TreeNode tree1 = {1, "child",       {0}};
static TreeNode tree2 = {2, "secondChild", {0}};
static TreeNode tree3 = {3, "thirdChild",  {0}};
static TreeNode tree4 = {4, "fourthchild", {0}};

void *FakeTree[] = {
                     (void *)0,
                     (void *)"hidden",
                     (void *)&tree1,
                     (void *)&tree2,
                     (void *)&tree3,
                     (void *)&tree4

void DoSth(void)
	TreeNode *tree = (TreeNode *)&FakeTree;

	// Code that's actually using the data
	// Please remember that you must access the structure always as a
	// pointer to it. I.e.
	for (int i=0; i<4; i++)
		printf("id=%x, name=\"%s\"\n", pTree->children[i]->id, pTree->children[i]->text);


最后的建议:这可能对你的代码有危险,不要在家里做! Jocking,这就是你不必制作程序的方法,但如果有必要......


The only limit is that it is mandatory that the integers and the pointers of the machine where you'll use the code have the same size.
Last advice: this could be dangerous for your code, don't make it at home! Jocking, this is how you don't have to make programs, but if it is necessary...
I hope this solves your problem ;)


08-20 03:26