我正在尝试使用Minitest查找测试控制器的示例,但是我只找到了一对,并且只需验证呈现了什么模板并返回成功"即可.这对我似乎没有太大帮助. Minitest是否用于测试控制器?
I'm trying to find examples of testing controllers with Minitest, but I've only found a couple and the just verify what template is rendered and that 'success' is returned. That doesn't seem very helpful to me. Is Minitest used to test controllers?
The Railscast( http://railscasts.com/episodes/327-minitest-with-rails)和我发现的其他几篇文章似乎使用Minitest进行模型测试,并使用Capybara进行集成测试.
The Railscast ( http://railscasts.com/episodes/327-minitest-with-rails ) and a couple other posts I've found seem to do model tests with Minitest and integration tests with Capybara.
What about controller tests? Can they be tested with Minitest? If so, are there any real-world examples that actually test the actions? It seems very odd that I can't find any after literally hours of searching.
I know this is vague, but I'm trying to decide if I should go with RSpec or Minitest, but without having a clue how to truly test a controller with Minitest, I'm not seeing how it's even really an option, yet I keep reading some general rave reviews about it.
是的,您可以使用Minitest测试控制器.使用Minitest测试控制器与使用Test :: Unit测试控制器没有什么不同.支持您找到的所有示例,例如《 Rails指南》.
Yes, you can use Minitest to test a controller. Testing a controller using Minitest is no different than testing a controller using Test::Unit. Any examples you find, like the Rails Guide, are supported.
http://guides.rubyonrails.org/testing. html#functional-tests-for-your-controllers