我在下面的代码中重新调整了Mono< Foo>:
I have below code retuning Mono<Foo>:
try {
return userRepository.findById(id) // step 1
.flatMap(user -> barRepository.findByUserId( user.getId()) // step 2
.map(bar-> Foo.builder().msg("Already exists").build()) // step 3
.switchIfEmpty(barRepository.save(Bar.builder().userId(user.getId()).build()) // step 4
.map(bar-> Foo.builder().msg("Created").build()) // step 5
.doOnError(throwable -> Mono.just(handleError(throwable)));
} catch(Exception e) {
log.error("from catch block");
return Mono.just(handleError(e));
如果在第1步中发生错误(例如,指定的ID不存在该用户),是否会被doOnError或try catch块捕获,或者这两个都不捕获?
If error occurs in step 1 (e.g. user does not exist by the specified id), will it be caught by doOnError or by try catch block or none of these two?
Same question if error happens in step 2, step3, step 4.
什么是正确的代码,以便使错误始终被doOnError捕获并消除try catch?
What is the correct code so that error is always caught by doOnError and eliminate try catch?
我正在使用public interface UserRepository extends ReactiveMongoRepository<User, String>
I am usingpublic interface UserRepository extends ReactiveMongoRepository<User, String>
same for barRepository.
handleError(throwable) simply does log.error(e.getMessage() and retuns Foo.
DoOnError will only perform side effects and assuming the findById are will return a Mono.Error() if it fails something like this should work.
return userRepository.findById(id)
.flatMap ( user ->
.map((user,bar)-> Foo.builder().msg("Already exists").build())
.map(bar-> Foo.builder().msg("Created").build())
.onErrorReturn(throwable -> Mono.just(handleError(throwable)));
仅当您调用链的阻塞操作,或者在进入反应式链之前发生运行时错误时,try catch才起作用. doOn
The try catch will only work if you either call a blocking operation of the chain, or a runtime error occurs before you enter the reactive chain. the doOn
operations do not modify the chain, they are used for side effects only. Since flatMap
expects a producer, you will need to return a Mono from the call, and in this case if an error occurs, then it will just propagate the error. In all reactive chains the error will propagate unless otherwise handled.
这篇关于如何处理Spring Reactor Mono或Flux中的错误?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!