

我根据 此博客条目​​


I am doing this research in Google Chrome's debugger and here comes the hard part.

我得到的事实,我无法删除局部变量(因为它们没有对象属性)。我得到的,我可以读出所有传递给函数从所谓的论据阵列的参数。我甚至得到它,我不能删除和数组的元素,只有实现有 数组[0] 有undefined值。

I get the fact that I can't delete local variables (since they are not object attributes). I get that I can 'read out' all of the parameters passed to a function from the array called 'arguments'. I even get it that I can't delete and array's element, only achieve to have array[0] have a value of undefined.

谁能向我解释什么 未定义×1 嵌入式图像上意味着什么?

Can somebody explain to me what undefined x 1 means on the embedded image?

而当我重写功能的 返回 参数[0] ,然后我得到的通常和正常的定义。

And when I overwrite the function foo to return the arguments[0], then I get the usual and 'normal' undefined.

这只是一个实验,但似乎interresting,有谁知道什么 未定义×1 指的是?

This is only an experiment, but seems interresting, does anybody know what undefined x 1 refers to?



That seems to be Chrome's new way of displaying uninitialized indexes in arrays (and array-like objects):

> Array(100)
[undefined × 100]

这肯定比打印 [不确定的,不确定的,不确定的,...] 或不过以前。


Although, if there is only one undefined value, they could drop the x 1.
