


The users of my web application may have more than one browser window open and pointed to the same page. I would like the state of certain in things in the page (loaded via ajax) to be retained across postbacks. I can either store in a cookie or on my server. Either way, I can't think of how I can distinguish each window.

举例来说,假设用户Bob有两个浏览器窗口打开到ListOfSomething页面。每个列表都有的 LoadedPageNumber 的属性,我需要坚持。否则,用户永远结束第1页上时,他们刷新。鲍勃可能加载浏览器窗口1,并指出其第5页,然后加载浏览器窗口,2并指出其第14页。如果我只是存储基于会话ID的属性,鲍勃将获得14页面窗口1,如果他刷新它。

For example, say user Bob has two browser windows open to the ListOfSomething page. Each list has a LoadedPageNumber attribute which I need to persist. Otherwise users always end up on page 1 when they refresh. Bob might have loaded browser window 1 and pointed it to page 5 and then loaded browser window 2 and pointed it to page 14. If I just store the attribute based on session id, Bob will get page 14 in window 1 if he refreshes it.


Note that my state variables are actually much more complex than this simple example and my inability to persist them could lead to big problems (weaknesses in my app).

我需要某种形式的浏览器窗口ID或东西。这当然需要一个跨浏览器的解决方案(IE6 +,Wekbit +,FF2 +)

I need some kind of browser window id or something. It of course needs to be a cross-browser solution (IE6+, Wekbit?+, FF2+)




Note on relevance: Keep in mind that this is useful also for the case where you're mixing older forms based pages with newer AJAX enabled items. Sometimes you need to postback the forms and you don't want to loose some client side state values.



you could set your own window name, the exact syntax escapes me right now, but you can use the current time and session id to create a unique id on window load, then use that id


This would be done the same way you set a name in the javascript window.open() function, (but you can do it to self, instead of new window)


self.window.name = myclass.getUniqueWindowId(thisSession);

self.window.name = myclass.getUniqueWindowId( thisSession );

关于你需要保存这个从刷新,刷新,我做了一些测试,它看起来保存它从刷新刷新。使用Firefox 3,初始负载,窗口名称为空白,pressing CTRL + R了个遍,但窗口名被填充。然后我注释掉设置名称$​​ C $ c和重新加载,它仍然保留了名字。

Regarding your need to save this from refresh to refresh, i did some tests and it looks to save it from refresh to refresh. Using Firefox 3, on initial load, the window name is blank, and pressing CTRL+R over and over, and the window name was populated. i then commented out the setting the name code and reloaded and it still retained the name.

<script type="text/javascript">

    alert( self.window.name );

    self.window.name = "blah";





I have to make noticed the comment below on jQuery's 'jquery-session' plugin, which really works and offers way more than what's discussed here.


Although, one should also make it clear that it relies on HTML5's Web Storage, not supported by older IE versions.

企业仍然在很大程度上依赖于IE 7(以下在巴西)。

Corporate still depends heavily on IE 7 ('and below' here in Brazil).

根据 self.window.name ,一切解决方案不符合HTML5,我提供以下code段作为一个跨浏览器的解决方案:

Based on self.window.name, THE solution for everything non-compliant to HTML5, I offer the following code snippet as a cross-browser solution:

<script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-latest.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script language="javascript" type="text/jscript">
    //-- guarantees that window.name is a GUID, and that it would
    //-- be preserved whilst this window's life cicle
    //-- window.name will be set to "GUID-<SOME_RANDOM_GUID>"

        function () {
            var GUID = function () {
                var S4 = function () {
                                    Math.random() * 0x10000 /* 65536 */

                return (
                        S4() + S4() + "-" +
                        S4() + "-" +
                        S4() + "-" +
                        S4() + "-" +
                        S4() + S4() + S4()

            if (!window.name.match(/^GUID-/)) {
                window.name = "GUID-" + GUID();
    ) //--------------------------------------------------------------------


I found the GUID function here (for which I proposed some code clean-up).


07-22 12:39