我用 Node.js的
与 child_process
产卵的bash进程。我想了解,如果我做I / O密集型,CPU密集型或两者兼而有之。
I'm using Node.JS
with child_process
to spawn bash processes. I'm trying to understand if i'm doing I/O bound, CPU bound or both.
我使用提取文本的 10K + 文件。为了控制concurrences,我使用。
I'm using pdftotext to extract the text of 10k+ files. To control concurrences, I'm using async.
let spawn = require('child_process').spawn;
let async = require('async');
let files = [
path: 'path_for_file'
let maxNumber = 5;
async.mapLimit(files, maxNumber, (file, callback) => {
let process = child_process.spawn('pdftotext', [
let result = '';
let error = '';
process.stdout.on('data', function(chunk) {
result += chunk.toString();
process.stderr.on('error', function(chunk) {
error += chunk.toString();
process.on('close', function(data) {
if (error) {
return callback(error, null);
callback(null, result);
}, function(error, files) {
if (error) {
throw new Error(error);
I'm monitoring my Ubuntu usage and my CPU and Memory are very high when i run the program, and also sometimes I see only one file being processed at a time, is this normal?? What could be the problem??
我想了解child_process的概念。为 pdftotext
I'm trying to understand the concept of child_process. Is pdftotext
a child process of Node.JS
? All child processes are running only in one core? And, how can i make more soft for my computer process the files?
Cool image of glancer:
Is this usage of Node.JS because of the child_process's??
If your jobs are CPU hungry, then the optimal number of jobs to run is typically the number of cores (or double that if the CPUs have hyperthreading). So if you have a 4 core machine you will typically see the optimal speed by running 4 jobs in parallel.
However, modern CPUs are heavily dependent on caches. This makes it hard to predict the optimal number of jobs to run in parallel. Throw in the latency from disks and it will make it even harder.
我甚至看到其中核心共享CPU高速缓存和系统工作的地方是运行更快,一次一个作业 - 仅仅是因为它可以再使用完整的CPU缓存
I have even seen jobs on systems in which the cores shared the CPU cache, and where it was faster to run a single job at a time - simply because it could then use the full CPU cache.
Due to that experience my advice has always been: Measure.
所以,如果你有10K作业运行,然后尝试运行具有不同数量的并行作业100个随机的工作,看看有什么最佳数量是给你的。随机选择,所以你也可以得到衡量磁盘I / O是非常重要的。如果文件大小相差很大,运行测试几次。
So if you have 10k jobs to run, then try running 100 random jobs with different number of jobs in parallel to see what the optimal number is for you. It is important to choose at random, so you also get to measure the disk I/O. If the files differ greatly in size, run the test a few times.
find pdfdir -type f > files
mytest() {
shuf files | head -n 100 |
parallel -j $1 pdftotext -layout -enc UTF-8 {} - > out;
export -f mytest
# Test with 1..10 parallel jobs. Sort by JobRuntime.
seq 10 | parallel -j1 --joblog - mytest | sort -nk 4
Do not worry about your CPUs running at 100%. That just means you get getting a return for all the money you spent at the computer store.
您的RAM仅当磁盘高速缓存得到低的问题(在你的屏幕截图754M不低当它得到< 100M是低的。),因为这可能会导致计算机开始交换 - 这可以将它减慢至爬行。
Your RAM is only a problem if the disk cache gets low (In your screenshot 754M is not low. When it gets < 100M it is low), because that may cause your computer to start swapping - which can slow it to a crawl.
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